When I was in active in the military, I was always frustrated about the amount of overlapping. It a way it made sense for the organization. If someone was out of the picture, the unit still needed to be able to function successfully. Now that I am out, I find it comical. It amazes me how we all were able to come together and make it work. One time I had my wife drop me off because I was going to Twenty-nine Palms for a month and a half for a divisional exercise right before our deployment to Afghanistan. She stayed and observed us, as we got ready to leave. She told me she was amazed how we go anything successfully done because it looked like a dysfunctional circus. Going from the military to getting a degree in leadership has really
When I was in active in the military, I was always frustrated about the amount of overlapping. It a way it made sense for the organization. If someone was out of the picture, the unit still needed to be able to function successfully. Now that I am out, I find it comical. It amazes me how we all were able to come together and make it work. One time I had my wife drop me off because I was going to Twenty-nine Palms for a month and a half for a divisional exercise right before our deployment to Afghanistan. She stayed and observed us, as we got ready to leave. She told me she was amazed how we go anything successfully done because it looked like a dysfunctional circus. Going from the military to getting a degree in leadership has really