Jarrett family desperately needs conflict management to return to the stability that they somewhat once had. Conrad ,and parents Beth and Calvin Jarrett resort to silence or violence in many crucial conversations throughout the film. In order for the family to reach equivalent harmony, behavioral cooperation needs to take place. Conrad, the grief-stricken teen boy experiences extreme guilt following the death of his brother, Buck. After attempting to commit suicide, he struggles to return to normality as his parents, …show more content…
Beth unfortunately uses masking to hide her feelings through much of the film. She practices this negative behavior even in her home. She uses an abundance of silence and occasional outbursts of violence. When Conrad attempts to speak to his mother in the heart-breaking moment where he tries to make a connection with her, he calls her ‘ mom’ . It is observed that Conrad is hurt by his mother’s disinterest and inability to speak to her son. Beth’s avoidance of conversation is also seen when her mother discusses with her about Conrad going to a therapist. Beth already is attempting to brush off the situation and when her mother asks her about what Calvin thinks, she quickly averts the subject. When on their trip, Calvin discusses talking to Conrad while they are away and Beth expresses her anger by asking why he continues to worry about their son. Calvin replies by asking why she is always reluctant to speak to her son and she turns the situation around towards Calvin. Beth constantly averts the subject when feeling attacked. Beth could definitely use some Effective Listening exercises. Her inability to be free of judgement and impatience results in crucial conversations being swept under the rug , along with the other building