Using your readings and outside sources complete the following matrix. Be sure to address the following in your matrix: • Provide names, titles, dates, brief descriptions of important events, and other details as necessary. • Note the details of key political, socioeconomic, technological, artistic, musical, architectural, philosophical, and literary developments for each civilization listed in the table, which were evidenced in the humanities.
Be sure to properly cite the sources that you use in completing this matrix.
CivilizationPoliticsSociety/ EconomicsTechnologyArtMusicArchitecturePhilosophyLiteraturePrehistoric
7 million –
4000 B.C.ENone-They lived on the land-Stone tools
-Fish Hooks
-Bows/Arrows-Cave Art
-Animal Bone art-Bones used as instruments
-Clay Houses
3500 – 330 B.C.E-No government
-Self-ruling cities
-Belief in many Gods
-Wealthy culture
-gold & minerals
-trades-musical instruments
-windmills-various statues
-royal graves-many different dances for Gods-Temples
-Towers-Belief in many Gods-Cuneiform Records
-Hebrew BibleAncient Egyptian
2615 – 332 B.C.E.-Revolved around a Pharaoh-trading
-education-Known Calendar
-Wheeled carts
-cotton fabric-Sculpture
-painting with pharaohs & chariots-very religious
-many Gods associated with music-Pyramids-Belief in life after death-Hieroglyphics
-Papyrus rollsArchaic Greek
800 – 480 B.C.E-men should live in small intimate communities-farming
-stronger military-pottery
-paintings-referred to small poems-columns
-large marble temples-ritual based
-many Gods-Homeric dialect Aegean
3000 – 2200 B.C.E-economy was stable-Cycladic culture
-trading-man made tin
-smelting iron-sculptures
-paintings of idols
-represent humans-many songs came from working in the fields-built