The report is about GMG airline. The first part of this report illustrates problem definition, scope, objective, methodology and limitations. Then the second part of the report which is the major one discusses about the industry first, then overview about GMG, their mission, vision, objective, policies, strategies and organizational structures. According to the data provided by Bangladesh Biman, in 1972 it flew nearly 337,000 passengers in the domestic sector and 367,000 passengers in the year 1998, which is rather a stagnant figure. The domestic aviation industry of Bangladesh failed to gain the popularity or reliability of its passengers, due to infrequent flight, inferior standard of service and lack of supply. Thus people were forced to use alternative forms of transport such as buses, trains and other private transport, which was quite inconvenient, when time security and comfort were considered. But after the introduction of other private sector airlines since 1996 and GMG Airlines in the year 1998, the number of domestic air travelers has increased rapidly, as this company was successful in catering to its customers’ needs. But it still remains a fact that the latent demand for air-travel has not yet reached its full potential. GMG Airlines, which is one of the companies of the GMG group, retained a well-known UK based consultant Neil Hansford to study the opportunity in depth and to help GMG implement the business plan. GMG Airlines also further benefited by the fact that the Managing Director and the Chairman were both trained and well qualified commercial pilots and played a vital role in the formulation of the business plan. After a thorough research and a satisfying and materialistic business plan, attention was diverted to overcome the next crucial step, which was the financing for the aircraft and other infrastructure necessities. GMG Airlines positioned itself as a premium airline with the corporate mission of providing ' First…