As everyone in the nation and around the world knows, our heath and security is being threatened by a microscopic molecule, Ebola. Ebola is a virus that is spread through the contact of human to human body fluids. It is a very infectious disease as seen in mainly West Africa. As of now, in a census done by the Worlds Health Organization, 5,177 people have died in that area of the world as of November 11, 2014. The virus is the worst in West Africa but it has spread to other parts of the world including America. From a biological basis the virus is remarkable. Ebola, when it invades your body, shuts down the immune system using a basic protein. After the immune system is suppressed, Ebola then attacks your bodies’ connective tissues called collagen. Collagen holds all organs in place and without it the virus digests your internal structures. To most people, this process sounds obscure but to me learning about these aspects of our world is entertaining rather than boring. Last year, as a junior, I took AP Biology. The emotions that come rolling out of me as I say that course name are endless. My sister struggled through the course and got a “C” in the class. Hearing that from her I was very nervous at the beginning of the year. I was a straight “A” student and didn’t want to get a “C” permanently stamped on my transcript. As the year progressed in that class, my jitters turned into affection. The information I learned in that class were the most interesting things I had ever learned in school. That class, however hard it was, allowed me to thrive in my junior year of high school. Interestingly enough it was in this class that I was first introduced to the Ebola virus. We learned about the disease from
As everyone in the nation and around the world knows, our heath and security is being threatened by a microscopic molecule, Ebola. Ebola is a virus that is spread through the contact of human to human body fluids. It is a very infectious disease as seen in mainly West Africa. As of now, in a census done by the Worlds Health Organization, 5,177 people have died in that area of the world as of November 11, 2014. The virus is the worst in West Africa but it has spread to other parts of the world including America. From a biological basis the virus is remarkable. Ebola, when it invades your body, shuts down the immune system using a basic protein. After the immune system is suppressed, Ebola then attacks your bodies’ connective tissues called collagen. Collagen holds all organs in place and without it the virus digests your internal structures. To most people, this process sounds obscure but to me learning about these aspects of our world is entertaining rather than boring. Last year, as a junior, I took AP Biology. The emotions that come rolling out of me as I say that course name are endless. My sister struggled through the course and got a “C” in the class. Hearing that from her I was very nervous at the beginning of the year. I was a straight “A” student and didn’t want to get a “C” permanently stamped on my transcript. As the year progressed in that class, my jitters turned into affection. The information I learned in that class were the most interesting things I had ever learned in school. That class, however hard it was, allowed me to thrive in my junior year of high school. Interestingly enough it was in this class that I was first introduced to the Ebola virus. We learned about the disease from