Your topic may come from your community, college experience, or any other area of your life where you can identify a “troublesome or unsatisfactory situation.” Preferably, pick a topic that you’re really interested in, that has something to do with your career field, and/or that you feel strongly about.
Important Note: Looking ahead to the report, pick a topic on which you’re confident you can find information—in print or electronic sources and/or through interviews or surveys. Also choose a topic you are confident you can expand on to meet the length requirement for the report, which will be four pages of text. Overall, you should select your topic carefully because the report & presentation together are worth a substantial number of marks. In addition, you’ll be expending a great deal of time and energy on these projects. The more satisfied you are with your topic, the more satisfied you’re likely to be with your reports. Please refer to the suggested topics at the end of this guideline.
Make sure you get your topic approved by me.
You will write your report to a real decision maker, an executive reader who has the means to act on your recommendations. As you prepare your report, you should do so with this reader in mind. In other words, write the report as if that person will be the reader. You aren't required to submit the report to that reader, just to me. However, when I grade your report, I’ll be doing my best to assess how convincing it would be for that reader.
Your short report will follow these format and design requirements:
It must use either a letter format (for external reports) or memo