eCATT Tutorial submitted by Sumeet Kaul. eCATT- An Introduction eCATT-Extended Computer Aided Test Tool
Introduction to eCATT.
The Extended Computer Aided Test Tool is a new automated testing tool that allows you to create automated functional test cases for the majority of applications running in the SAP GUI for Windows and SAP GUI for Java environments. Like other test tools, it works by making a recording of an application, which you can then parameterize and replay with differing sets of input values. You can test the behavior of the application by reading and testing the values returned by the application . eCATT is available from Release 6.20 of the SAP Web Application Server, and is an integral part of the mySAP Technology underlying SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 4.7.
Designed as a successor to the existing CATT, it allows a user to record and replay any application running under SAP GUI for Java or SAP GUI for Windows. Furthermore, because it is embedded within the SAP application server, it has access to other interfaces, such as function modules, BAPIs, or the SAP database (so that users can perform checks), and the ABAP runtime, which lets users write ABAP routines into test cases.
With SAP eCATT, users are also able to test business processes that cross system boundaries. Each command in a test script can have a separate destination so, within one script, a user can call a transaction in mySAP Customer Relationship Management, and also check table entries in an SAP R/3 system. Within a script, logical names are used to refer to target systems. These logical names are mapped to actual RFC destinations in a separate object called a system data container, which is, effectively, a description of the company’s system landscape. Thus by linking a different system data container with a script, a user can execute it in a completely different system landscape without having to alter the script coding at all. The only