Title: Ring-a-Round the Rosie with a Twist
Age: Kindergarten (5-6 years)
Rationales: Social Skills (turn-taking, learning classmates’ names), Gross Motor Skills (walking/running in circle, hopping), Language and Literacy skills (letter awareness and recognition, sound recognition), Emotional Skills (self-expression), Creative Skills (getting to do what they want when they fall down)
PASS Skills: Group Interaction Standard 3.1 and 3.2, Large Motor Skill Development Standard 1.1 and 1.3, General Music Standard 1.1 and 1.2, Music Expression Standard 3.1 and 3.3
Materials Needed: Just the students and the willingness to sing a song and all hold hands
Directions: Get the students together in a circle and everyone hold hands then play typical ring-a-round the rosie but, at the end instead of everyone falling down a leader chooses someone to fall down. Then the person who is going to fall down has to do some sort of movement or silly gesture or dance and the rest of the group has to copy that movement. The person who is chosen to fall down will come to the center of the circle and be the leader for the next round and so on.
Divergent Questions: “Tell me how you would play the game differently.” “What was your favorite part of the game?” “Why did you choose to do that move when you fell down?”
Modifications: For older students you could change the words of the song to something dealing with one of the subjects covered in the classroom and make it a question and answer game to help review facts. For instance, instead of doing a silly move when chosen the leader could always be the teacher and the teacher could ask a question and whoever is chosen