3. It is played on a volleyball court with up to ____________________ people on a team.
4. The objective of the game is to score 21 points and win by a margin of _______________.
5. The ball may hit the ground, bounce up and hit the opposing teams back wall, it is playable
side out
6. You can only score on a serve. This type of scoring is called __________________________scoring.
service line
7. The server stands behind the _________________________and must hit the ball underhand with the racket. True
8. The server can serve from anywhere behind the end line. T OR F__________________________.
9. Teamwork and passing between players is encouraged. T OR F___________________.
10. If a ball hits the floor then a barrier……it is ________________________.
11. Blocks are allowed and not considered a hit. T OR F_____________________.
12. The ball can bounce _________________ time before it must be played.
13. Any player can hit the ball _____________times consecutively but cannot set themselves up for a spike.
14. If the ball hits the boundary line, it is considered “in play”. T OR F ________________.
15. The ball must be on the line to be considered “out”. T OR F_______________________.
16. At the conclusion of any point or game the ball should be rolled slowly under the net to the server. in a point awarded to the opposing team
Failure to do so will result ______________________________________.
17. You may not spike in Eclipse Ball. T OR F ____________________________.
18. The ball must pass between __________________________and hit the floor before a curtain, wall, or other barrier.
19. The ball can be played off the ceiling or back