the first and most influential level; this is where direct contact occurs with the child or person. Taking a look at ecological family systems theory and health care insurance for children brings me to the economic support area of the theory. Insurance falls into this category. If a family is not able to provide insurance for their children through employment, then they are to seek help through the social insurance programs that are provided. This is why the theory states that’s “families do not operate in isolation from the contexts in which they occur.” They rely on other institutions to lend them a helping hand, such as social insurance, CHIPS for example. Another ecological approach to getting children early intervention health services is through the families. Families should take an active role in their children’s health care and can be the link between health intervention services with public health programs. The function of the family becomes the entry point for health services from the ecological standpoint and can be a very effective tool.
Another example of how to take and ecological approach to health care and insurance is by taking a look at the Affordable Care Act.
This policy was put into place in order to provide access to health care coverage to everyone. However, research shows that we need to do more, we need to achieve improvements in population health and achieve equity, we need to address the problems associated with social economic, and environmental that influence why these families cannot get health care. By taking a look at the ecological family systems theory, you can clearly see the different factors of risk. For example, our social support networks and access to health care is one of the main reasons families do not seek preventative health care. This falls into our community role on the ecological family systems theory. If the community fails, it is setting the individual up for failure as well. In conclusion, when comparing the ecological family systems theory and health care insurance, they go hand-in-hand. Health care insurance is part of the services provided by the community resources whether it is gained through a family’s place of work or government agencies. Some families depend on this community resource to obtain health care and others do not utilize what is available to them. Either way you look at it, it is a major piece of the ecological system