
Economic Effects Of Slavery And Abolition US

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Caleb Gebrezgiy Economic Effects of Slavery and Abolition U.S. Economic History

Slavery is a legal or economic system under which people are treated as property. While the system and laws may vary slaves are usually bought and sold. Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia in 1616 to aid in the production of crops. Slavery was practiced throughout the American colonies in the 17th- 19th centuries, slaves
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Soil depletion is a process that occurs when the components, which contribute to fertility, are removed and not replaced, the conditions that support soil’s fertility are not maintained. Ultimately soil depletion leads to poor crop fields, which results in a huge economic loss. The only reason why this was this was such an issue was because farm owners used slaves to tend to their crops, the slaves were never trained effectively assuring that crops will not be depleted. Economically this was a huge loss because crops were not being handled properly so farm owners were not able to maximize from the production. Also another negative effect towards the economy with the use of slaves was scientific agriculture was impossible which is the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production. More than half a century of American invention in harvesting machinery has contributed as much to the wealth of the world as power loons in manufactures and the railroad in transportation. The modern self-binding harvester was a blessing to farm owners in the North who were able to capitalize on the efficiency of the machine. The machine which runs from morning to night will have twenty acres cut and bound into bundles, this is the equal to twenty men doing a day worth of work but nowhere as efficient as the machine. Uneducated slaves who had no interest in …show more content…

Most importantly societies who used slaves were left behind. It was a practice that was outdated for its time, the industrial revolution was occurring and a number of inventions were being made the North took advantage of that and was able to prosper. The South on the other hand stuck with what it was doing for generations. Some might argue that evidence of the economic fall of the South after the war is a clear sign how important slavery was to the nations’ economy but in fact the South’s failure to change their ways of doing things was what ultimately destroyed their economy. The treatment of slaves in the United States was brutal and degrading. Whipping, execution, and sexual abuse of women including rape were common. Slaves were not allowed to become literate for fear of escape or rebellion Slavery was a barbaric act that took the rights away from millions. With the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement the Unites States of America has come along away with it’s treatment of minorities. We as the human race has ways to go modern day slavery is still being practiced whether it is for economic reasons or religious

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