DC power supply
Handheld DMM
Test leads
1.0kΩ resistor
1.2kΩ resistor
3.3kΩ resistor
10kΩ potentiometer
1. Using the circuit below, calculate the anticipated voltage drops across each resistor and record them below.
Rt = R1 + R2 + R3 = 150Ω + 2.2kΩ + 3.3kΩ = 5650 x 10^3= 5.65kΩ
I = V/R = 10V/5.65kΩ = 0.001769 x 10^-3 = 1.77mA
Voltmeter1= 1.77mA x 150Ω = 0.2655 x 10^-3= 265.5mV
Voltmeter2= 1.77mA x 2.2kΩ = 3.89V
Voltmeter3= 1.77mA x 3.3kΩ = 5.84V
2. Download the Multisim file “VD1” from Doc Sharing, Week 3. Run the simulation and record the voltmeter readings.
Voltmeter1= _0.265V_____
Voltmeter2= _3.894V_____
Voltmeter3= _5.841V______
Were the calculated and simulated values the same? (YES/NO) If not, correct the problem and compare the new results. Yes
3. Download the Multisim file “Series3” from Doc Sharing, Week 3. Connect the potentiometer as a variable resistor and set its initial value to 2.2 k. Remember to set the potentiometer before placing it in the circuit. Calculate the total current. Simulate the circuit and record the values below.
This pictures shows the circuit built with the potentiometer.
R2 = 2.2 k:
Calculated Simulated
= _1.298mA_____ = ___1.299mA_______
Rt = 1.2kΩ + 2.2kΩ + 3.3kΩ + 1kΩ = 7700 x 10^3 = 7.7kΩ 0.001298 x 10^-3= 1.298mA
How did the simulated values compare to the calculated ones? They matched up correctly.
Change the potentiometer’s value to 4.7 k and recalculate and simulate the circuit.
R2 = 4.7 k:
Calculated Simulated
= __980.39µA_____ = _980.392µA______
Rt = 1.2kΩ + 4.7kΩ + 3.3kΩ + 1kΩ = 10,200 x 10^3 = 10.2kΩ 0.00098039 x 10^-6 = 980.39µA How did the simulated values compare to the calculated ones? They matched up closely.
4. Use the breadboard to construct the circuit above. Verify that the value of each resistor is within tolerance. Remember that you should