A Review of Educational Technology 1
1. Learning and awareness of the different educational technology tools, from traditional to modern educational media.
2. New methods for teaching and organizing material.
3. Knowledge of what type of media is appropriate to use in a certain instructional activity. In this sense, the computer is what we could use.
4. The realization that the computer is useful in teaching and proper integration of its capabilities in instruction is important.
5. The basic concepts of Educational Technology are made clear for us that the use of technology has its downside, but utilizing and integrating it properly in the teaching - learning process could be a game changer in the classroom setting.
1. Although there are many advantages to technology in the classroom there is an issue as to whether the computer is what is doing all the work and not the students.
2. Because information can be accessed quickly and displayed through this information technology, there are fears that students might not remember information because they can now look it up elsewhere.
3. Students are losing basic knowledge and reading skills because of their use of technology.
4. With technology in education, there is a loss of communication skills and the ability for learners to interact with each other.
5. Loss of interpersonal and cooperation skills that students usually develop within a classroom setting since large amount of the new technology is made for an independent uses.
Lesson 2
An Overview: Educational Technology 2
1. The computer allows students to have access to more comprehensive sources of information.
2. The integration of technology in the classroom can allow us, as a future teacher, to instruct students and to socialize more with respect to websites.
3. Access to sources of information helps the learner to realize their potential for learning and creating. This is an