1. Why should educators takes place the child on center stage?
In the child-centered progressivism, it is said that the educators takes place the child on the center stage because they need to emphasize the child’s needs and interests, striving to develop the “whole child”. Not just the child’s mind but the emotional, moral, social and physical characteristics as well.
2. In what ways does a teacher place the child on center stage?
There are ways in which the teachers place the child on center stage like the notion that students were to be engaged and taught so that their knowledge may be directed to society for a socially useful need. The students should be actively engaged in their learning rather than actively disengaged with the simple reading and regurgitation of material. The child needs to do hands-on experiences in order for them to learn not by just sitting in the classroom and reading a textbook and listening to the teachers discussion.
3. Why should teachers emphasize more active learning and less dependence on textbook?
Teachers should emphasize more active learning in the classroom so that the pupils can learn through experience. Learning is more effective if the child can discover and try it in real life situations and should minimize the dependence on textbook and contextual type of learning.
4. Differentiate between a teacher who is a taskmaster and one who helps guides meaning learning experiences?
5. React to this statement of “Progressivism”?
“ Sine the child was born good, there is no need to place many restrictions on his self-expression”. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Part II – Survey of 20th Century American Education Related to European Antecedents “Sense Realism” and “Romanticism”
1. Why did Sense Realism insist that “things should be studied before words”?
Sense Realism insist that