The following are the theories that are based in this study: Constructivism’s New Learning depends on Current Understanding, Ausubel’s Advance Organizer, Piaget’s Cognitive Constructivism, Vygotsky’s Social Interaction, and Bruner’s Development of Representation. Constructivism’s New Learning Depends on Current Understanding states the importance on the background information. It is through the present views or scheme the learner has, that new information will be interpreted. David Ausubel’s Advance Organizer has connection to the theory of Constructivism. Ausubel’s theory states that” Meaningful Learning takes place when an idea to be learned is related in some sensible way to ideas that the learner already possesses. The way to strengthen the student’s cognitive structure by using Advance Organizers that allow students to already have a bird’s eye view or to see the “big picture” or the topic to be learned even before going to the details.” Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Constructivism states that learners should be allowed to discover principles through their own exploration. It emphasizes the development of meaningful learning by focusing on the cognitive processes that take place within individuals. Lev Vygotsky’s theory of Social Interaction gives importance on the interaction among learners that help to shape and refine their ideas. It contributed to the cognitive development of individuals and it helps the learners to cooperate and to collaborate and enrich their learning experience.
Jerome Bruner’s suggested the ability to represent knowledge in three stages. The optimum learning process should according to Bruner go through these stages. The Enactive representation is a mode of representing past events through appropriate motor responses, Iconic representation enables the perceiver to "summarize events by organization of percepts and of images and Symbolic representation is a symbol system which represents things by design features