Investigation of strategies for education for sustainable development and School improvement. 1. Introduction a. Rationale
The Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) would like all schools to be sustainable by 2020 and to prepare students for a lifetime of sustainable living through its teaching, its fabric and its day to day activities.
It is guided by a commitment to care for oneself, for each other and for the environment itself. Sustainable development can build coherence amongst a variety of initiatives and school practises it offers schools a bigger picture in which to join up their work on a range of policies and initiatives such as every child matters, school travel planning, healthy living, school food, extended services, citizenship and learning outside the class room. It is essential that schools recognise the potential of sustainable development to transform the experiences and outcomes of pupils whilst improving the environmental performance of the school and contributing to sustainable communities. in doing so it is essential that education for sustainable development is an aspect of a schools improvement plan in meeting government target for 2020. The National framework for sustainable schools established by the government to help schools understand what they need to do to achieve this aim comprises of three interlocking parts: A commitment to care; an integrated approach; and a selection of doorways or sustainability themes.
b. Defining Education for Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is a term that has many and varying definitions it is a challenge that all societies face during the 21st Century by endorsing education for sustainable development we commit ourselves to improving the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future. Pupils are entitled to an education that equips them with knowledge values and skills
Bibliography: Percy-Smith, B. and Thomas, N. eds (2009) Handbook of children’s participation: Perspectives from practice and theory. London: National Curriculum – Global dimension and Sustainable Development by Stephen Gough (Author )Routledge Education for Sustainable Development: Papers in Honour of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) by Brian Chalkley, Martin Haigh, and David Higgitt (Hardcover - 28 Nov 2008 [ 8 ]. Becoming Critical of Action Research for development in Zaber-Skerritt, o(1996) New directions in Action Research [ 9 ] [ 10 ]. An introduction to Teacher research in Lankshear, C and Knobel, m (2006) A handbook for teacher Research maidenhead: Open university Press