########## is a local authority funded comprehensive school in ###########. The school has a senior leadership team comprising of the headteacher, three deputies and a business manager. There is also an extended leadership team that comprises of four principal teachers of pastoral care and five Principal teachers of curriculum.
#########Council introduced the Principal teacher of curriculum position after the McCrone agreement in 2002. A move felt by many at the time to be a cost cutting exercise. The concern being that as Principal teachers of subject move up the promotion route or retire, their position would not be advertised for appointment and they would be replaced by a normal class teacher. ############ has six principal teachers who are currently still in post. The leadership responsibilities that the principal teachers in ############ undertake, range from no more than those of a normal class teacher to full responsibility for the department.
The PTC and PT share the middle ground between class teacher and senior management. Annex B of the agreement “A teaching profession for the 21st century” (McCrone 2002) set out expectations of Principal teachers and were the foundations for remits. These middle leaders are tasked with ensuring strategic direction, management and leadership of colleagues. They are responsible for ensuring that the curriculum is developed in line with national guidelines and that quality assurance procedures are put in place. In addition to developing and implementing whole school policy, middle leaders are also tasked with being the link to many external agencies and partners of the school.
Within the context of ########, middle leaders are often in conflict with teaching staff regarding the implementation of new directives. PTC’s cannot be subject specialists in all areas that they manage and with this can come a lack of foresight when devising strategies on a whole school or faculty level. What may work
References: Busher, H.,2007 Understanding Educational Leadership. Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Education. Donaldson, G., 2011 Teaching Scotland’s Future Scottish Government. GTCS, 2012. Standards for leadership and management. First Draft. Available at: