Capstone Proposal
Educational influences play a major developmental role in the course of professional scientific careers.
A research paper presented to the faculty of the graduate school the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of science in education.
Amanda M. Baron
Dr. Lloyd Davis
December 2011
Chapter One
Science is present in almost every aspect of today’s world. It is part of our daily lives, from cooking and gardening, to recycling and comprehending the daily weather report, to reading a map and using a computer. Civilization and all of life itself is defined by advancements. Advancements don't happen without scientists. These advances in technology and science are transforming our world at an incredible pace, and our children’s future will surely be filled with leaps in technology we can only begin imagine. Being “science literate” will no longer be just an advantage but an absolute necessity. We can’t escape from the significance of science in our world (Atkinson, N. 2009).
Science is an ever growing and ever changing subject and Scientists are needed in many different fields. According to Good Education website, children make firm decisions about what they want to be when they grow up in grades 8-12. This is the age when students start developing realistic goals for their future based on their interests and environment (Bunting, D. 2010). Science educators use many different techniques to try and engage and excite their students about science in all its aspects. The real question is since scientists are needed especially in a modern growing society, what is it that makes someone want to be a scientist?
The purpose of this study is to find out what educational factors or influences lead current scientists, that have worked at least a year in their field of study, to pursue their career.