“What Is Indonesia?”
Edwin Sucipto Koeswono 34405019 Indriani Puspitasari 34405024 Herman Soerjadi 34405038 Go Devi Lona 34405042 Gilang Prasetiyo 3440504
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. Indonesia is also considered as largest archipelago which consists of 17,508 islands. For the reason that Indonesia is an archipelago, the diversity between each region is really high because they are also consisting of many tribes and ethnic which have different culture. In order to support the diversity, the governments state the ideology of Bhineka Tunggal Ika for uniting the diversity into one single strong country called Indonesia. From the point of view of the belief system, Moslem and Hindu have the major role. The reason is because nowadays Indonesia is considered as the largest Moslem population in the world. However, Hindu also become the major part because the value of Hinduism already rooted in Indonesia since the kingdom of Majapahit. In this paper we will see whether these values will have an impact toward the Indonesian economic system as a whole. In addition, this paper will discuss about whether the Indonesian economic system still implement these values from several economic aspects and sectors such as investment, banking, infrastructure, and government role in economy. Furthermore we will also discuss about the diversity which happening in Indonesia such as age, gender, social status, ethnic, and also religion. As it explained above that diversities is due to the vary of socio-culture, diversities also take an important role as the umbrella of all the differences, which is should be protected by Indonesian people itself so that the we can implement the good value and minimize the bad value. Later we are going to determine what Indonesia is from the economic point of view and the