The major developments in the evolution of mass media during the last century
In the 20th century the mass media was typically comprised of newspapers, television, radio and magazines. Today there is much more than just the traditional mass media. There have been several major developments in the evolution of mass media during the last century. These developments are the evolution of the print, electronic, and digital. Media went from newspapers prints, to radios stations to magazines. Now media is on portable electronic devices, which you can watch, read, and listen too such as mobile phones or tablets. Now in today's society the media is available and accessible at the drop of a dime worldwide. This evolution has made it possible for more and more information to be circulated and accessed at faster speeds.
How each development influence American culture
Each development influences American culture in many ways. For example people in the 19th and 20th century used the radio and television as their main source and went along with what they heard instead of the hard facts. Individuals in that time did not question what they heard. Today in the 21st century we have the Internet with innumerable creditable and non-creditable sites where individuals have to decide what is factual from what is not. In most cases the older societies are still utilizing dated sources such as the newspaper or radio to find out if what they just read is creditable.
The term media convergence, and how has it affected everyday life
According to Lule, J (2012), the term media convergence is the process by which previously distinct technologies come to share tasks and resource (chp1, p 49). Media convergence has affected everyday life just by the way evolution is happening within mass media. According to Lule, J (2012), its stated that Steven Johnson argues that today’s television and video