▪ Introduction……………………………….2 ▪ Literature review………………………….4 ▪ References………………………………….10 ▪ Hypothesis………………………………….11 ▪ Methodology………………………………..11 Delimitation Type of study Theoretical framework
A nation is a group of people who share common history, culture, language and ethnic origin often possessing or seeking its own government. National identity refers to the distinguish features of group and to the individual’ sense of belonging to it. In some case even a little difference in pronunciation is enough to categorize a person as a member of different nation but in some cases two people may be separated by language, culture, geographical location etc categorized in some culture. There are some ingredients below which make the person’s national identity:
Common language: It the main ingredient in the making of the nation. Without the common language nation cannot be evolve. Also to deal with everyday affairs within a group of a people living in a specified boundary need a common mean of communication to trade and socialize. Thus even a group of people even of different culture and history but sharing common language would still consider themselves attached to their respective nations as long as they share the same language.
Common history: A nation can be constructed around a common history i.e. chronologically recorded events in the past, their ancestors have gone through.
Common religion: Religion can also present a person’s national identity. Religion is sometimes used as a defining factor for a nation.
Common culture: culture is very essential factor in presenting national identity. People having the same culture can easily be recognized by other that they have same national identity.
Common origin: if people are living in common geographical area whether they have different culture, language, religion then they are suppose to be belonging to the same national identity.
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