* According to the Global Policy Forum (2013), a nation is probably best defined as a cultural group of people with shared traditions, shared history, religion and most of the times a common language. While one can find some cultural distinctions, there is usually a national identity that is shared by all members creating a homogeneous identity among the citizens. A nation usually doesn’t have a defined territory. The Irish people of the UK are a good example of a nation.
* As an entity, a state represents a group that is self-directed and has defined borders. The institution of the state holds sovereignty and represents what is essentially the final authority within the states’ set borders (Global Policy Forum, 2013). A good example of this is Belarus in Eastern Europe. Located in there, Belarus shares its borders with Russia, Latvia, Poland the Ukraine and Lithuania. Ethnic Belarusians make up 80% of the population. The other 20% is made up of Tartars, Roma, Letts, Lithuanians, Jews, Ukrainians, Poles and Russians.
* According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), a nation state can be recognized by the fact that it has a defined territory with people or population that shares a national identity and a unique set of customs. It is also self-ruled with some form of recognizable organized government. Japan is a good example of a nation state as it satisfies all of these various requirements.
References: Nation-State. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/international-migration/glossary/nation-state/ Nations & States