Effective Classroom Design for Special Needs Students:
Tapping into Their Creativity through Indirect Teaching Methods
Johnella Ingram
SPED 404—Cognition, Development & Instruction in Exceptional Learners II
Professor Danielle Vaughn
February 28, 2011
Research has shown that students with special needs will have an increased benefit of comprehension and encouragement when placed in classrooms with separate learning stations. This allows for natural exploration and usually a more hands on learning experience for the student. The concept of workstations (also known as centers or mini-environments) in an early learning classroom is not new. In fact, many successful preschools, kindergartens, and elementary (primary) grades design their classrooms around this idea because there is a consensus that young children learn by exploring and playing. For students to have the freedom to engage in the activities that interest them and learn at their own pace promotes positive attitudes toward education and also elicits better behavior.
As it turns out, including workstations in the early classroom environment also supports the learning efforts of students with special needs. Here are a few benefits of the workstation environment for special needs kids. 1. As with all children, workstations will help foster a love of education by allowing a special needs child to learn at his or her own level and pace. 2. Focused learning centers can encourage student’s at all academic skill levels to interact socially and work together. 3. Stations can meet special sensory needs and challenges. 4. Learning centers can help to ease the sometimes-intimidating transition from a home environment to a school environment because this method of education is similar to the way children learn at home. 5. Workstation classroom design doesn’t require kids with ADHD or other
Bibliography: Butin, Dan (2000). Classrooms. National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.