Effective Communication
Helena Herbert
October 23, 2012 Brian Dufrene
Effective Communication
“Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts and feelings between people through speaking, writing or body language. Effective communication extends the concept to require that transmitted content is received and understood by someone in the way it was intended” (Brown, 2011, para. 1). According to (University of Phoenix, 2012, 2010), “Workplace trends within and outside of health care require employees to connect with an ever-widening array of coworkers, consultants, off-site employees, and other resources. Sharing knowledge is critical to any organization’s success, especially in the health care industry.” The following questions will be addressed in this paper and they are as followed: Which organizational model best describes an organization with which is familiar and how does the familiar organization currently share knowledge or involve employees in formulating solutions to problems. Once those questions are addressed, the following will also be discussed: The most effective techniques for sharing information and ideas, techniques proven to be ineffective, how those techniques may be applied or modified in a health care work environment, and how technology might also affect this process. Finally, a conclusion will follow to sum this paper up. Which Organizational Model Best Describes an Organization which is Most Familiar Long-term care best describes the organizational model that is most familiar to Comfort Keeper’s Home Health Services. According to Wikipedia (August 18, 2012), Long-term care provides a variety of services that helps meet both the medical and non-medical needs of people with a chronic illness or disability who cannot
References: Brown, B. (2011, April 26). What is effective communication. Livestrong.com: The Limiless Potential of You, (), . Retrieved from http://www.livestrong.com/article/69309-effective-communication/. Long-term care. (August 18, 2012). In Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_care. Newman, E., Pearson, J., & Pressman, H. (2009, August 24). Communication access within healthcare environment: A call for action. , (), . http://www.patientprovidercommunication.org/article_3.htm. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. (March 2007). Health care costs: How chages in medical technology affect health care costs. Retrieved from http://www.kff.org/insurance/snapshot/chcm030807oth.cfm University of Maine Cooperative Extension. (1914). Group works- Getting things done in groups Effective Communication . Retrieved from http://www.umext.maine.edu/onlinepubs/pdfpubs/6103.pdf. University of Phoenix. (2012, 2010). Week Two-Individual assignment: Effective Communication [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HCS/325- Version 2 Health Care Management Syllabus.