The word communication has a rich and complex history. It first appeared in English Language in the fourteenth century, taken from the Latin word “communicate” which means to impact, share or make common.
Bateman (2001), defined communication as the transmission of information and meanings from one party to another through the use of shared symbols.
It is a well-known fact that communication plays a coordinating and integrating role in the management of the affairs of any organization, whether in the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading or controlling.
Gerald (2002), defined communication as the interaction in which a source transmits a message to a receiver, who upon receiving and decoding the message gives feedback to the original source. Communication is one of the primary areas for understanding human behavior, Rami (2000). Communication is an essential tool of management, which is used to carry the whole organization as a single being.
According to Drucker (1985), the manager’s effectiveness depends on his ability to listen and to read, on his ability to speak and to write. Unfortunately, the importance of communication has not been well recognized in business. It is generally believed that anyone with common sense can write. Most managers write to impress not to express. Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of job performance and managerial effectiveness.
Communication is a vital management component to any organization. Whether the purpose is to merely update employees on new policies, to prepare for a weather disaster, to ensure safety throughout the organization or to listen to the attitudes of employees, effective communication is an integral issue in effective management. In order to be successful, organizations should