Tiffany A. Young
October 8, 2012
Marie Gagnon
Effective Communications Paper There are many different ways that that a Medical Organization could be ran effectively and successful. As a dental technician in the USAF the type of organizational model used is based upon the Matrix model because there is usually two or more forms of supervision that one has to adhere to be successful in administering and completing patient care (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, & Kramer, 2007). To be successful at any type of organization employees must be informed from the leadership and be able to come to their leadership with problems or concerns the way this is done within the dental clinic is through group meetings and utilization of chain of command (Personnel, 2011). The techniques that have been most effective for sharing ideas and information throughout the clinic include weekly meeting and suggestion box, those that are ineffective for sharing ideas and information have been emails and meetings held to close to lunch or the end of the duty day. In a health care work environment some of the techniques have to be modified, because of HIPAA (Hartley, Jones, Sullivan , & David, 2010). Technology effects the process of sharing ideas and information because without technology emails, power point presentations at meetings, and so on would not be accessible to benefit expedited communication. Within a matric model organization like the dental clinic in the USAF there are many forms of techniques for communication that are effective and sometimes ineffective at sharing ideas and information amongst employees to benefit successful patient care.
Organization Model within the Dental Clinic The matrix model is the organizational model that is used in the dental clinic within the United States air force. This model consists of teams that work together with often overlapping duties in order to accomplish a united goal in patient care
References: Hartley, C. P., Jones, E. D., Sullivan , L. W., & David, J. M. (2010). HIPAA Plain & Simple: A Healthcare Professionals Guide to Achieve HIPAA and HITECH Compliance. American Medical Association. Lombardi, D. J., Schermerhorn, J. R., & Kramer, B. (2007). Health Care Management. John Wley and Sons Inc. Personnel. (2011). Air Force Pamplet 36-2241. e-publishing.