Unit 8 SHC 31
March 2013
Promote communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and young people’s settings.
1.2 If we don’t communicate well it limits the ability to connect with each other making you feel isolated and not part of a team, but the bit we need to think about is if there is no communication through staff we may miss the needs of the child. Positive communications and relationships with a number of people not just parents/carers but without side agencies too will all work together. If you have good communication skills then your relationship with the child/parent/carer will be good. When you communicate clearly and effectively then this allows others to do the same and then sharing information, expressing your needs/concerns/feeling, and not feeling left out will become easy.
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I have to try and tell the child I may not be able to keep the secret so if you still want to carry on then please do. while I try to keep confidentiality there may be times when I have to breach it this could be for the safety of myself or the child welfare i.e. abuse, were the child/young person my be suspected of committing abuse, or if a crime has been committed. If you have to breach confidentiality it should be passed on very quickly and in direct to the person in charge so you can then follow the correct procedures that are stated in the setting. In going to the correct person and quickly this does then not get passed on to other members of staff visitors parents/carers so then they will not be aware of any concerns that have been raised. In our setting all records relating to children is stored the office that only 3 designated staff members can go and get, but for the likes of food allergies then there is a white paper by the changing table in the main hall and one in the kitchen so all staff members are aware of what child can have what