1.4 : Within any health and social care environment, there are many strategies put into place to support a number of servicer users; which cater to specific communication needs. These communication needs apply to those who are visually impaired, have the inability to speak or have hearing loss to name a few. In an healthcare environment, specific services are available for each specific need, for example some service centers provide language aids i.e. Braille for the blind. Other services provided are signing, Makaton; advocacy, interpretation, translation ( Edexcel,2010) which all cater
1.4 : Within any health and social care environment, there are many strategies put into place to support a number of servicer users; which cater to specific communication needs. These communication needs apply to those who are visually impaired, have the inability to speak or have hearing loss to name a few. In an healthcare environment, specific services are available for each specific need, for example some service centers provide language aids i.e. Braille for the blind. Other services provided are signing, Makaton; advocacy, interpretation, translation ( Edexcel,2010) which all cater