• You also have to make the person you are talking to and yourself comfortable and try not to give too much information.
• Also make sure that the other person has got their freedom in other words you must give each other space and make sure that both of you are relaxed and do not feel embarrassed.
• After both of you have the kind of trust feeling then you go straight to the point, and when you are leaving make sure you leave someone with the right emotions about themselves and you.
Group communication
Most of the rules for one to one communication also appear in group communication.
How does it feel to be in a group?
Group discussion only work if only people in the group want to get involved. Most of the times people don’t feel comfortable if they have to speak within a formal group of people, sometimes others do not say anything because they are afraid of people’s reactions. It is also good to know that the group has got the right emotional atmosphere. Sometimes people try to make it easier for other people so that everyone will work in a good way with everyone so that the group will maintain the group’s communication so that they won’t be anyone being left out.
Is there a group leader? Most team meetings or classroom discussions have a leader or chairperson. When you have someone leading it is very useful because they will be someone to encourage and express people’s ideas and also help in turns of talking. They also help encourage people to focus on certain tasks within a group.
Have you prepared what you are going to say?
Most group communications don’t go well because people