Name: Sarah Ritzen
Student number: 259071
Course: Applied Business Administration
Year and module: Year 1 Communication
University: Stenden University
Lecturer: Tatiana Naaijer-Ciff
Date: 11 – 04 – 2013
Table of contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
Leadership or Management? .................................................................................................. 4
Management ......................................................................................................... 4
Leadership ............................................................................................................ 4
Transactional Leadership ................................................................... 4
Transformational Leadership ............................................................. 5
Differences .......................................................................................... 5
Leadership Stages ............................................................................................................. 5
Stage 1 .................................................................................................................. 6
Stage 2 .................................................................................................................. 6
Stage 3
References: Baer, G. (2007). Real Love in the Workplace: Eight Principles for Consistently Effective Leadership in Business. Rome: GA: Blue Ridge Press. Baldoni, J. (2002). Effective Leadership Communications: It 's more than talk. Harvard Business Communication Letter, 3-5. Bass, B. M. (1997). Personal Selling And Transactional/Transformational Leadership. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 19-28. Bennis, W. G. (2004). The Seven Ages of the Leader. Harvard Business Review, 46-53. Blanchard, K. (2012). Leading at a higher level. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River. Boseman, G. (2008). Effective Leadership in a Changing World. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 36-38. Fakir Mohan Sahoo, J. M. (2010). The Critical Factors of Effective Leadership in Organizations: An Ideographic Investigation Using Lens Model. . XIMB Journal of Management, 17-54. Field, A. (2005). What You Say, What They Hear. Harvard Management Communication Letter, 3-5. Fullan, M. (2008). The Six Secrets of Change. San Fransisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Herminia Ibarra, M. H. (2009). How leaders create and use networks. Harvard Business Review, 40-47. Jack Zenger, J. F. (2013). Inspiring & Motivating to Achieve Top Performance. Fanancial Executive, 56-59. James M. Kouzes, B. Z. (2002). The Leadership Challenge. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass. John Antonakis, M. F. (2012). Learning Charisma. Harvard Business Review, 127-130. John Antonakis, M. F. (2012). Learning Charisma. Harvard Business Review. MMXII, ©. M. (2013, 03 15). Puzzelwoordenboek. Opgehaald van Nieman, R Patricia Kunkel, J. D. (2009). The Manager As learner. Chief Learning Officer, 36-40. Paul J.H. Schoenmaker, S. K. (2009). Strategic Leadership: The Essential Skills. Harvard Business Review, 131-134. Pophal, L. (2000). 10 Tips for Effective Leadership. Communication World, 53-55. Ritzen, S. (2012). Top-down or bottom-up: Which one would you choose? pp. 1-8. Santora, J. C. (2007). Assertiveness and Effective Leadership: Is There a Tipping Point? Academy of Managment Perspectives, 84-86. Shukla, S. (2009). Body Language: Inside Out. The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 41-44. Vries, M. F. (2006). Leiderschap ontraadseld. Harlow: Sdu Uitgevers bv.