Climatic elements have direct effect on the system of animal production, body physiology and animal behaviour, feed supply and quality, proliferation of pests and parasites as well as preservation of animal products (Samson et al., 2011)
A number of climatic elements such as temperature, rainfall, humidity, radiant energy, air movement, light, altitude etc. greatly influence and interact with the performance of livestock production. Similarly, they also cause major effects on animal physiology, behaviour and productivity through their individual or separate effects but, more often, by their combinations with other environmental factors.
The influence of climate on animal production (including animal body functions, behaviours and productive abilities) may be direct or indirect. In either way, systems of animal husbandry or management are also affected. Direct influence of climate on animal production and husbandry has to do with such influence on the animal itself, while indirect influence is on the animal’s environment each of these shall be examined closely.
The over-riding environmental factor affecting the physiological functions of domestic animals is temperature. Temperature is measured using the instrument called thermometer, which are of various types. All domestic animals are homeotherms or warm blooded. In other words, they maintain their body temperature within a range most suitable for optimal biological activity. The body temperature range is relatively constant and is higher than the environmental temperature.
The ambient temperature on the other hand varies with changes in the climatic elements at a particular time. The animal body temperature ranges within certain limits defined as the ‘Comfort Zone’ is a temperature range within which no demands
References: Da Silva, R.G., 2007. Weather and Climate and Animal Production. In: The Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices, WMO No. 134. Available online: FAO, 1986. Animal Environmental Requirement. In: Farm Structures in Tropical Climates,FAO Corporate Document Repository. Available online: environmental requirements. Khalifa, H.H., 2003. Bioclimatology and Adaptation of Farm Animals in a Changing Climate. In: Interaction between Climate and Animal Production. Eds: Lacetera, N., Bernabucci, U., Khalifa, H.H., Ronchi, B., Nardone, A., Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp: 15-30. Mahadevan, P., 1966. The Relation between Climatic Factors and Animal Production. United Nation Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Symposium on Methods in Agroclimatology, Paris. Reading Symposium Paper, pp: 1-15. Samson, O.A., Afolabi, A., Jari, S., 2011. Effects of the Tropical Environment on Animal Production. In:Principles of Animal Production, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), pp: 11-19. Vercoe, J.E. Climatic and Environmental factors affecting Dairy Productivity. Available online: