Marcella Ruiz
October tenth, 2011
Marcia Winter
Agency Visit
Agency’s Name Crystal Monarch is a youth center that recently opened up in Pocatello Idaho. The main focus of the center is to help youth ranging in age from 12 to 25. They hold special events and have an after-school program that helps teenagers explore different aspects and learn new skills. The agency realizes the need for a variety of programs and educational opportunities. This is why the agency has set up several program ranging for business management, music, and agricultural. The agency is a Christian-based agency and receives its funding from private donations and fund raising.
Name and position of contact
Mary Frangesh was the person I interviewed she is the president and coordinator of the facility; she is also part owner in the center.
Date of interview
October 6, 2011
Services Provided by the Agency Crystal Monarch provides many services some are: counseling by a licensed counselor, job training, and educational activities; all services provided are Christian based.
Population Served
The number of people who come into the facility on a daily bases is about 100, but on special events it can range from 300-500 give or take a few. Crystal Monarch is open to junior high children, High school children, and young adults.
General ethical dilemmas Making sure there is no misconduct going on, by this I mean couples cannot sneak off to a quit place, and there is no drug use going on and no harassment of any kind. This can be a big problem with the type of children who will be coming to the facility so you want to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.
Ethical Dilemmas of specific services Crystal Monarch deals with all type of teens and young adults I think the biggest ethical dilemma faced is that there is no discrimination in any of the different programs. If a child is in counseling it is kept in confidentual and nothing is reviled unless the