Name: Tammie G. McDaniels
WGU Task Objective Number: EHT4/5 602.4.21 - 03
Lesson Title & Subject(s): Hootie the Phonics Owl Topic or Unit of Study: Phonics/Integrated Visual Arts
Grade/Level: Elementary Grades 1-5
Instructional Setting:
Special needs self-contained classroom of nine students. Students will be seated at a large rectangular table. Students will participate in constructing their own owl puppet.
(e.g., group size, learning context, location [classroom, field trip to zoo, etc.], seating arrangement, bulletin board displays)
Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):
Creating Works of Visual Art
Standard 1: The student will demonstrate competence in the use of ideas, materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of visual art.
VA1-1.1 Use his or her own ideas in the creation of works of visual art.
VA1-1.2 Identify and describe the materials, techniques, and processes used in a variety of works of visual art.
VA1-1.3 Use a variety of materials, techniques, and processes to create works of visual art.
VA1-1.4 Use all art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner.
Go to your State Office of Education Website, Core Curriculum Achievement Standards. Highlight, copy and paste the specific standard(s) this lesson will focus on (include any identifying numbers with text).
Lesson Goal(s):
Write a statement that describes the overall purpose of the lesson; in other words, write a general statement that describes what you expect students to know or be able to do at the conclusion of the lesson.
Lesson Objective(s):
Your objective(s) should align with the knowledge and skills taught as well as with the assessment chosen for this task. All learning objectives must include a Specific Behavior (e.g., Action; what the students will do-use a verb), Condition (e.g. how students will do it) with Measurable Criteria