Nicole Wilson has maintained familiarity with most of DHSS administrative policies, procedures and applicable rules and regulations throughout the year of 2016. Nicole has exceeded many of the established objectives for this job component. Throughout the year Nicole has demonstrated the importance of identifying eligible adults, determine risk during the investigation, formulate an investigative strategy, and identify needed interventions. Nicole has exceeded the objectives of adhering to eligibility requirements and time frames regarding hotline reports. Nicole has consulted with the supervisor regarding policies and procedures when unsure how to administer. Throughout the year Nicole has demonstrated knowledge of statutes, rules, and regulations as it relates to abuse, neglect, and exploitation and basic knowledge of home and community base services. Case specific Nicole was investigating a case in which the RA was being verbally and physically abused by her daughter who resided with the RA. Nicole was able to get other family members…
There was a recent report from Parklands care home in Rochdale, which revealed the home failed seven of the 10 standards of care required. There were found to be several failures by the care staff that resulted in neglect and possible physical abuse.…
This client was admitted around 1530hrs, policies and regulation within the shelter was given by Day Shift to this individual for her awareness and understanding while staying in the program. Caseworker Misi was here to assess this new case. Caseworker also asked us if we can pick up her belongings from her father in Malaeloa. Staff Maria asked the client if she can tell us her house location or her father’s contact numbers, for us to know where to pick up her stuff, but she didn’t answer it specifically to the question, all she said is that she misses her 1 year old baby. Maria asks her who is taking care of her baby. And she said that her boyfriend Fred is looking after her. Maria told her that we’re going to remove her baby and bring her…
I would listen to their allegation carefully and also see if they fully understand what they are saying. Once hearing the allegation I would carefully document it with a witness. I would also look carefully through the persons care plan to see if there is anything significant or previous allegations of abuse…
In total, there are 44 accreditation outcomes across the four standards. An RAC home must comply with all these outcomes at all times in order to meet the accreditation standards.…
Reporting abuse will increase awareness and in turn, increase preventative actions. Prevention begins when someone reports a case of abuse. Caregivers, family members, or other residents can take action to end such misconduct. Current prevention programs in place include the Elder Justice Act. “To date, however, major steps forward in national policy and strategy on elder abuse have not been taken, in part because Congress has failed to provide sufficient funding” (Kohl, Sanders, & Blumenthal, 2012). The authors of this systematic review synthesized information regarding elderly abuse in patients with dementia in long-term care. The relationship between the patient’s vulnerability and the likelihood of abuse was also assessed. The authors evaluated…
Knowing the risk factors of nursing home abuse is a great way to deflect the If any form of abuse is more likely to happen. Staff members should always be aware of the risk factors to protect the safety of the residents. In addition, it’s a great way to prevent any types of abuse before it happens. Some of the risk factors of abuse would be Severe physical or mental, impairments in the abused, e.g. dementia, strokes, severe arthritis. 2. The poor mental health of carer. 3. Poor ability to cope with `stress' by carer or signs of `burn-out' evident. 4. The poor long-term relationship between abused and abuser. 5. Alcohol and drug problems in carer. 6. Financial dependence of carer on victim Dyer, C., & Rowe, J. (1999).…
However, my client has the ability to take actions by telling my client’s mother on what happened with a few words, sad emotion (crying) and demonstrating what happened with his hands. Although my client can’t speak or talk effectively, the carer can set up a few cameras that will record everything at each corner of the building my client is been taken care of by the carer; my client’s carer can see what’s happening when my client is been taken care of by the carer; my client’s carer can tell the police and charge the carer with the recorded video footage of the camera to the police. Furthermore, my client’s carer can give the carer a warning or fire them from their job, which is unlikely, as the client has violated the Code of Practise; the carer should be charged (like they can’t work as a care assistant), as they shouldn’t be taking care of other…
Safeguarding Policy Policy Statement HIT Training Ltd is strongly committed to practices that protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect or significant harm. Staffs recognise and accept their responsibility to develop the awareness of the risks and issues involved in safeguarding. The company also recognises that it has a responsibility to protect staff from unfounded allegations of abuse. The company is committed to working with existing local safeguarding or adult safeguarding Boards and other health and social care partnerships to ensure the safeguarding of its learners. The company will ensure it has one nominated person the Operations Director who has attend the Designated Training workshop delivered by LSIS and the Operations Director will have responsibility for the development and discharge of any HIT Training Ltd procedures in conjunction with Safeguarding. HIT Training Ltd will ensure that there are sufficient in-house trainers to deliver safeguarding awareness training and all staff will be timetabled to attend such training events Definition For the purposes of this policy and procedure children are defined in the Children Act of 1989 as a person under the age of 18 years. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 defines a ‘vulnerable adult’ as a person aged 18 and over and; receiving a social care service receiving a health service living in sheltered accommodation detained in custody or under a probation order requiring assistance in the conduct of his/her affairs receiving a service or participating in an activity targeted at older people, people with disabilities or with physical or mental health conditions Accountability and Responsibility HIT Training Ltd has 3 trained Safeguarding Facilitators able to deliver training and Regional Managers will be responsible for ensuring all their staff undergo the required training and follow the HIT…
1.2 Identify the signs and symptoms associated with physical abuse SHC 024: Duty of care in a health and social care setting…
Emotional Abuse - Inflicting mental pain, anguish, or distress on an elder person through verbal or nonverbal acts.…
According to the American Psychological Association, there are four million victims of elder abuse each year (APA Article). Elder abuse is defined as any form of mistreatment resulting in harm or loss inflicted on any older person age 65 or above (google definition and cite source). The different types of elder abuse include sexual, physical, financial, verbal, psychological, or emotional, neglect, and financial exploitation. Regardless of the type of elder abuse one experiences, it jeopardizes any victim’s quality of life as it causes a decline in functional status, poor self-rated health and quality of self-care, psychological distress and dependency (CITE). Elder abuse is considered a complex trauma because it involves repetitive or prolonged…
Recent statistics show that one in 10 elderly Americans has experienced some form of elder abuse. Many of these incidents occur in nursing homes, the very places we admit our loves for long-term care. Attorney Frank Balderrama of Balderrama Law Firm, LLC, is a personal injury attorney who handles nursing home abuse and negligence cases throughout the Carlsbad, New Mexico, area.…
On my recent visit to South Texas Rehabilitation Hospital, where my grandmother is staying, I noticed how well the nurses and doctors where treating her. Since my grandmother has several complication, such as hard of hearing and stubbornness, nurses had a difficult time trying to work with her during therapy appointments, however, they wouldn’t give up on her or lose their patients. This got me thinking if all nurses and doctors, in all nursing homes, are as friendly and caring to elders such as my grandmother. Elder abuse in nursing homes is a big issue due to the emotional, physical and finical problem it causes to that elderly person.…
Nicholas reported that after arguing with his mom (Yvonne) about running late for school she slapped him twice in the face (open handed) and punched him in the nose with her fist. His brother, Dustin, told Yvonne that was abuse and she slapped him again. Nicholas stated that Yvonne has hit him before but could not give any a date. Nicholas was very upset. When asked if he felt safe Nicholas said he wasn't sure. No bruising or swelling was…