|Analyze the concept of Separation of Powers in the American democracy |
|Indicate why the framers believed it was important in the creation of the government |
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|Jessica Carrion |
|7/23/2013 |
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I believe our funding farther wanted to create a stable, stronger and more effective national government. I don’t believe they wanted it to be an equal way when dealing with crisis between the government and the people.
“Framers wanted to ensure domestic tranquilly and prevent future rebellions, but they also wanted to give certain powers to the national government and reserved the ret for the state creating the establish systems of federalism” (Magleby David.B. & Light, 2009, p. 21)
This was important to them because they were not the most trusting form of people. The framers were suspicious of people, especially of those having political power, so they separated and distributed the powers of the newly created national government in a variety of ways. Today this is known as the Constitution, constitutional limits on their powers was free and fair election, were notes could throw those who abuse power out of office. The separation of