Electrolytes in Sports Drinks
September 30, 2016
Electrolytes in Sports Drinks Drinks are full of many substances that make up the taste, color, and uses of the beverages. One very important part of a sports drink are electrolytes. An electrolyte is a liquid gel that contains ions and can be decomposed by electrolysis, it is present in a battery. This substance is in many of the everyday drinks we use. From the orange juice we drink in the morning to the many sports drinks we use when we exercise. What do these electrolytes do to help us in our active everyday lives.
Electrolytes are used to keep your body functioning when sweating. The body sweats to cool itself down and while doing this you are losing
the many proteins and water your body needs. In order to keep our body working we have used many drinks to keep our body going when we need it most. These are called sports drinks. These drinks are designed to be marketed for consumption in conjunction with a sporting activity(exercise). They typically contain electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and a lot of sugar to restore energy. Another drink that has electrolytes is orange juice. Orange juice is the liquid extract of fruit of an orange tree. These electrolytes can be decomposed through electrolysis which is chemical decomposition produced by passing an electric current through a liquid or solution containing ions. How do these help you stay active?
Electrolytes are like salts that carry an electrical charge. Look at them like a battery. Batteries help keep devices powered and running until they run out. Then they need replaced just like electrolytes. When we run out we replace them with drinks like orange juice and sports drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade, and Vitamin Water. Our cells in our body rely on electrolytes to help control the cell membranes stability and carry electrical charges we need for muscle contractions from heart impulses. Why is it important to measure these things?
Taking these electrolyte testings is good for many reasons. It can help to figure out many diseases and problems such as kidney diseases, lung diseases, heart conditions, and even dehydration. Dehydration is the harmful reduction of the amount of water in your body. Even though electrolytes are not water they give you energy by providing our body with the energy it needs.
Electrolytes are all ions that either have a positive or negative charge. Positively charged ions are called cations and negatively charged ions are called anions. When these two separate from water the become able to carry an electric charge and are called electrolytes. When an atom gains or loses an electron it becomes electrically charged.
Some of the most important electrolytes are sodium, calcium, and potassium.
Sodium is used to control blood pressure and blood volume. It also makes your nerves and muscles work. Calcium is used to build teeth and bones. Almost 99% is used in our teeth and bones. Potassium is used to help your heartbeat and is one of the most necessary substances for human life. The average heart beats 100,000 times a day. When the potassium triggers your heart it then releases blood throughout the body helping you stay alive. It helps filter blood, muscles move, and make your nerves work. In my science project I will be measuring all these different things to see if a sports drink has more electrolytes than orange juice.