Gatorade: How it Works According to the official
Gatorade: How it Works According to the official
They want people to associate sports and success with the consumption of Gatorade. Gatorade has molded over the years from being merely a “thirst quencher” to being a juggernaut in the sporting world now serving as the official drink for over 11 professional leagues across the…
References: 1015MSC Chemistry of Biological Systems II 2010 Laboratory Manual Lemonick, M. D. (2006). The sports-drink wars. Time International (Canada Edition), 168: 9 Murphy, D. (2004). Water vs. sports drinks. Current Health 2, 30: 8, p18 Nutrition Labels Initiative. (2010). Viewed November 3 2010, Powerade. (2010) Viewed November 1 2010, Sawyer, P. (2005) Sports drinks trial finds high levels of tooth erosion. British Dental Journal, 198:6, p325.…
Robert Cade from the University of Florida in 1965. He had discovered that the athletes of a losing team were weak because of two main things that were not being replaced because of sweat, electrolytes and fluids. (Note 1.) Electrolytes help your brain control your muscles and body fluids, and when the main electrolytes are lost with the sweat, it delays communication. (Note 2) In a Gatorade Thirst Quencher there is 160 mg Sodium/ 45 mg Potassium to replace the sodium and potassium that has been lost. It also contains 21g of carbs, with 80 calories. (Note 7) When doing any type of physical activity, it is important to make sure that you are hydrated. You want to avoid nausea, fatigueness, dizziness, etc. (Note…
Drinks are full of many substances that make up the taste, color, and uses of the beverages. One very important part of a sports drink are electrolytes. An electrolyte is a liquid gel that contains ions and can be decomposed by electrolysis, it is present in a battery. This substance is in many of the everyday drinks we use. From the orange juice we drink in the morning to the many sports drinks we use when we exercise. What do these electrolytes do to help us in our active everyday lives.…
6.) During the great dehydration the stomach virus somehow raised the tonicity of the extracellular environment, activating the movement of water from the inside the cell to outside to balance solute concentrations across the membrane. The electrolytes in sports drinks are meant to enter into the cell, raise the tonicity relative to the outside. This would cause water retention inside the cell keeping it hydrated, therefore the opposite of dehydration.…
Some people think sports drinks replenish your fluids better than water while playing sports. Some say water replenishes better than sports drinks. According to some scientists sports drinks include many sugars and electrolytes that water does not have. Others say that those sugars and electrolytes actually dehydrate more than they hydrate. They say that water is much better than these drinks. Sports drinks are being used by people who are not even active, they just like the taste of them. Water is a much better asset to the body because it doesn’t dehydrate the system like sports drinks do.…
What are the advantages of a sports drink over water? Water will provide the liquid you need to avoid dehydration, but does not have electrolytes. Anelectrolyte is a substance that will dissociate into ions in a solution. The ions in the solution give it the capacity to conduct electricity. Electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, are present in sweat, and need to be replaced during strenuous exercise. Chloride, calcium, and phosphate ions are also electrolytes.…
Today I am discussing the importance of water to encourage this office to provide water as the main beverage choice in this office. Water maintains body temperature, maintains blood volume, blood pressure and supports all cell functions. (Cherif, et al., 2010)Water is a valuable resource even in an office environment. You may not realize that an air-conditioned office is a very dry environment and will deplete your body of water. Working long hours can cause mild dehydration that will affect mental responses. The brain is 80% water. Loss of water will affect concentration and memory. Dehydration can cause headaches, tiredness and loss of concentration, affecting alertness. (European Hydration Institute)No other drink is as affective in hydrating the body like water. Gatorade and Powerade both have high levels of added sugar and salt. These should only be added to water for athletes, extreme heat situations or a sick person.…
Purpose: Gatorade is used to replace electrolytes in your body that were used during physical activity.…
My name is Lena Lockhart, and I have been asked to present arguments for your firm on the differences between water, and sports drinks Gatorade and PowerAde. I have found some interesting information, and this paper will present my findings. I am sure that this will be an informative look at the various ways of hydrating your body and help you to make a decision on what is best for you at any particular moment.…
The likely decision process of this target market is a simple one. In most economies and markets buying a sport drink would be identified as a limited problem solving decision; as Solomon (2004) describes LPS as having low risk and low involvement from the consumer. However, in some cases it could be perceived as more of a routine problem solving (RPS) decision due to their being few alternatives on the market to choose from, and thus consumers become easily attached to one brand. Another case in point is that it could also been seen as an extended problem solving decision as certain sportspersons will want to know exactly what ingredients and benefits the sports drink offers and will therefore deliberate for quite some time over the alternatives (Hawkins, 1995).…
Some people may disagree and say sports drinks are better. Sports drinks are good for you if you are an elite athlete like Venus Williams, Dwyane Wade or Peyton Manning. Sports drink would also be good if you are practicing or playing in extremely warm conditions and sweating excessively. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes and need to get them back quickly. One way to replenish these electrolytes is to sip on a sports drink. Sports drinks are made of To “normal” people sports drinks may cause weight gain and electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes need to be balanced in order for our bodies to perform properly and for us to live. Drinking sports drinks may be one choice to regain electrolytes but another is to eat normal food. “Since sweat is about 99 percent water and only 1 percent electrolytes, you can easily replace your losses by eating normal food rather than by relying on sports drinks.”…
Even though water works better for fluid replacement, people prefer sports drink because it has taste and since they enjoy the flavor, it leads to them drinking more and getting more hydrated. Sports drinks give the body electrolytes and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates…
It is important to know what you are ingesting and to not believe everything that is advertised. Remember sports drinks contain calories, almost as much as soft drinks, and should not be considered a replacement to water. There are some occasions where sports drinks are better than water, like when you’re exercising. Sports drinks are good to give you energy for your exercise routine when you need it.…
Gatorade fue creado por la DRS. Roberto Cade, Mandel De quesada, Casey Glisson, Alex DeQuesada, Dana Shires, y Jim libremente en la universidad de la Florida y fue probada en la escuela secundaria de Michael Goetz Father (en Mississauga, Ontario) en 1965 para el equipo del football de la escuela y nombrado después del apodo atlético de la universidad, el "Gators". Cade entró en un acuerdo con la compañía que conservaba Indianapolis-Base-Stokely-Furgoneta Camp, Inc. (S-VC) y un vehículo de producir el producto, que él había patentado ya. En 1973 Cade y el S-VC colocaron un pleito con la universidad de la Florida, ya que la universidad había reclamado la patente de la bebida. Desde esa vez la universidad recibe desde entonces más que US$80 millón en los derechos de Gatorade.…