Electronic aggression and youth violence is bad because electronic aggression and youth violence can lead to sexual harassment, psychological or emotional abuse by a caregiver, and it can lead to an assault with a weapon, and being raped. I Therefor electronic aggression can lead to many bad things. Violence has affected my life because I was once bullied because of what I wore or what I looked liked, and it's not fun getting bullied because it brings you down and it makes you feel bad about yourself. I think that electronic aggression needs to be stopped because it can lead to these bad things, and sometimes it can lead to a really bad thing like suicide. This happens to many people
Electronic aggression and youth violence is bad because electronic aggression and youth violence can lead to sexual harassment, psychological or emotional abuse by a caregiver, and it can lead to an assault with a weapon, and being raped. I Therefor electronic aggression can lead to many bad things. Violence has affected my life because I was once bullied because of what I wore or what I looked liked, and it's not fun getting bullied because it brings you down and it makes you feel bad about yourself. I think that electronic aggression needs to be stopped because it can lead to these bad things, and sometimes it can lead to a really bad thing like suicide. This happens to many people