First, culture defines me in many ways, but the three elements of culture that I will be talking about are , language, religion, and tradition. The languages I speak are ,spanish and english, I define the languages I speak as my culture identity because it?s a way I use to communicate with friends, family, and teachers. I define spanish more as my culture identity because some things are more meaningful in spanish like songs for example. Spanish was the first language I learned to speak so I find it more meaningful to me. The second element of culture that defines who I am is religion. Religion plays a huge role in my culture identity because it?s part of my daily routine. Religion contributes to my culture identity because it?s something beautiful that I get to share with my family and it makes me feel happy and peaceful. Another reason why I define my religion as my culture identity is because it …show more content…
was what I learned since I was younger. The last element of culture that contributes to define who I am is my traditions. My traditions are a big part of my cultural identity because it connects with my language and my religion. They have been in my family for many generations and we just keep the traditions going in our family. Most of my traditions bring my whole family together and it just brings joy, laughter, and peace to my family. It also brings communities together and then I get to meet new people.
Second , although culture plays an important role as who I am , it also has created conflict in my life.
Tradition and language has affected me when socializing with others. Tradition has made conflict with me and my family , because their are some aspects that we don?t quite agree on. For example, there are days in the year when I have to fast and don?t eat any type of meat on friday?s, I disagree with my parents on that aspect because it affects me in the lifestyle I have. As well as tradition has made a conflict in my life language has also created conflict of some kind. For example whenever that I speak spanish some people might see it as a disrespect , also when I speak english
. Lastly, culture has also made an impact and in the world around me . Culture might impact me in my lifestyle because of the music I listen to.Culture might also have an impact in the clothes that I wear. My hobbies also have an impact in my culture because it connects with my background like since I do mariachi it connects to where i?m from. Culture also and an impact in my morals and values. In conclusion, language, religion, and tradition all somehow played a big role in my life. Language , religion, and tradition have defined me in who I am today. Language is part of my culture identity because I can communicate with my family and friends. Religion also is a big part of my culture identity because it plays in my daily routine. My traditions also contribute to my cultural identity because it brings my family and communities together and they also define my culture identity in some way. Although, my culture might bring conflict to my life at the end of the day it defines who I am and it brings joy to me.