Ivory is a rather beautiful item seeing that it holds many qualities. Amongst those many qualities are its durability, its smoothness, and its value to the market. How would you feel to know that it is also the tusks and horns that you see on rhinos and elephants? Both elephants and rhinos are poached for their horns and tusks every day to the point of becoming an endangered species, like the black rhino and the Asian elephant. Many practices are done in order to kill, harm, or subdue the elephant in order to take their tusks and some of those methods are gruesome and unnecessary.
Poaching involves a number of inhumane and wrong ways to treat animals in order to get what they …show more content…
Imagine one day that you’re with your family and the next you are orphaned after seeing your parents brutally murdered in front of you, not being able to help, just sedated and forced to watch. Not only that but you are now traumatized for the rest of your life remembering the horrors you seen that one day. This is one of the many tragedies that elephants and rhinos have to go through. Not only is poaching effecting the physical aspect of this but there is also the mental aspect of the animals seeing how their species are tortured and used for small things such as entertainment or decorations. It is a rather sad sight to see that most of the known species of elephants and rhinos be wasted for such trivial …show more content…
The elephants and rhinos are majestic creatures that are beasts of both legend and myths. To kill off a part of one’s culture simply for material needs is vulgar and incompetent. To use and then torture animals for personal needs has not only dropped the population of the animals to the point of near extinction but also have brought conflict amongst the people and brought psychological damage to both species. Calves are orphaned at a young age not being able to get the parenting that they need and even then some of those calves won’t make it to adulthood for the fact that they die early from sickness or disease or poaching for their tusks, horns, or skin. The poaching of elephants and rhinos has also brought the Chinese government into play. The Chinese government went and destroyed six tons of ivory. Afterwards many other countries followed suit in support to stop poaching on elephants. Though the demand in ivory is high the need for it to stop and the value of the life of an elephant is not worth $1,000’s of dollars. There have also been steps taken to stop poaching such as making poaching a much more serious crime, having ground protection for the animals and reducing or stopping the demand for wildlife products. Stating that ivory is nothing but something used to boost someone’s status Baillie does not see the use and purpose of