The book Night is narrated by Eliezer who represents Wiesel and is a Jewish teenager that suffers from the Holocaust, however hardly survived from it. Night is Elie Wiesel’s memoir, which along the story we can learn the struggle that Elie had with the harsh condition in the concentration camp and the days with hopeless. “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget…
In the short story “The Night,” Elie Wiesel explores that how father and son ruin their relationship in the period of the anti-Semitism. They lose their appearance, lovely life and wealth for being Jews. Elie and his family, as well as numerous other families, were kidnapped from their homes by the German Nazis and were forced to work in concentration camps because of their Jewish heritage. The Jews were required to work day and night and were treated like animals. Elie and his father were separated from his mother and sister, whom Elie would never see again. Although Elie and his father managed to get along in the concentration camps, not all sons got along with the fathers. The fathers in the story were usually the more caring ones. The sons, on the other hand, were the ones that abused and neglected their fathers. The sons may have acted this cruelly and vicious towards their fathers because of the severe treatments they had received from the Germans, to separate themselves from nuisances, and their awareness of the necessity for their own survival.…
In the novel Night tells an autobiography about Elie's time in the Holocaust and the book explains how the relationships with his father, and God change in the event of the time he spent during the Holocaust.…
Change is unpredictable and inevitable. You cannot know what alteration it may bring, but it can be expected. In the Autobiography “Night” by Elie Wiesel changes are experienced constantly by the protagonist and his father throughout the story. The changes in Elie’s life throughout the story are shown in form of stages, the beginning stage where Elie feels no affection towards his dad, the second stage where Elie’s relationship with his father gets stronger than ever, and the last change, when Elie becomes indifferent towards his own feelings.…
In Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, there are three main universal themes that are addressed; religious beliefs, inhumanity towards other humans, and the importance of father-son bonds.…
Do you ever think of what life would have been like in a concentration camp during the Holocaust? You have already heard that it was about the Jewish race. You know that Jews weren't treated poorly. But, do you know everything? The author Elie Wiesel can tell you his story in his book, Night. There are multiple themes in the book. One is Father/ son relationships. In Night, Elie Wiesel uses irony, foreshadowing, and tone to illustrate the traumatic event known as the Holocaust.…
In Night by Elie Wiesel, the protagonist Eliezer struggles through the Holocaust facing many challenges that are almost unbearable by overcoming his mind and hallucinating to believe it was all a nightmare. Throughout Eliezer’s journey through hell, he faces many hardships that are life changing. Night is a memoir about Elie Wiesel’s life in concentration camps during the holocaust. The year is 1941 when Elie, the deeply religious boy with a loving family consisting of three sisters and parents, is taken from home and sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Elie is separated from family members (mom and sisters), but remains with his father, only to be transferred from camp to camp. Through their perilous journey, Elie tells about the death…
Unconditional love gives Elie and his father the power and strength to overcome the most dramatic experience of their lives. The book Night by Elie Wiesel is a great book. This amazing novel demonstrates many different things, such as the father-son relationship between Elie and his father is what kept them alive. They always wanted to be together, Elie and Shlomo never gave up on each other and Elie was staying alive for his father. A fathers role is to protect his child and a Sons role is to protect his parent when they are in need. In Night Elie and Shlomo both protected each other.…
Mentioned the word “night” always brings people infinite reveries. It can be luxuriant romance, children’s dreams or deep thinking. In Elie’s story Night, what people feel is endless fear and sorrow. It is a tragedy of a nation, a brutality of another nation, what is more, a silence of the whole world. In the story, a millions of Jews were kidnapped from their homes by the German Nazis and were forced to work in concentration camps because of their Jewish heritage. In the German concentration camps, the Jewish people were forced to work every day and night; they were not treated like a normal human; they suffered huge pain and lived like walking corpses’ lives. Some Jews were cruel and vicious towards each other because of the strict treatment they had received from the Germans, because under these conditions they only cared about their own survival. People not only can see the pain that the Jews suffered, but also understand how these sufferings twisted people’s morality. Elie and his father were separated from his mother and sister, whom Elie would never see again. Elie has a very strong relationship with his father in the story. They love each other and would not be separated. However, the relationship between Elie and his father, Chlomo, changes throughout the memoir.…
In the memoir night the author Elie Wiesel questions his fate to show the reader a sad disbelieving tone .This is choice is important to the narrative as a whole because it develops the reader's understanding of the character conflict about how to deal with his own sadness. Ellie thinks it tells the reader and shows how Elie was living a normal when the nazi army took over germany and moved all the jews straight into the ghetto’s once moved into the ghetto all the jews were moved into concentration camps and separated from their families. These memories from elie changed his life forever for the rest of his life. When Elie said “never shall I forget that night , the first night in the camp that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed”.…
Experiencing and comprehending what each book tells me leaves somewhat of a mark on who I am. Through every word I gain some knowledge or concept that will help further my academic or social sides. Reading a nonfiction book, usually a biography or historical reveals to me what it takes to become a great person, what I need to prepare for in the future, learning to avoid the same mistakes that countless others have already made, and just gives me more knowledge on the topic. These lessons were also learned from the book Night, by Elie Wiesel. Diving into the history of the Holocaust uncovered some questions that I had and in turn made me more interested in the event altogether. I already had delved into the Holocaust by watching movies and reading some books on it, but by reading a real experience of it, it made me put myself in his position and it seemed like I was seeing it through his eyes.…
In Elie Wiesel’s autobiography “Night” the protagonist Elie has to choose whether to put his needs over his fathers and leave him to die and to strengthen his own chance of survival or let himself struggle to try and keep his father alive. This choice is so hard for a 16 year old boy to make by himself. His love for his father and all he has done for him makes him want to stay, but his constant hunger and own survival is on the line and with people dying left and right he needs his strength if he is to weather the rest of this genocidal storm.…
In the novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel, Elie Wiesel tells the story of his life in the Auschwitz concentration camps. Mr. Wiesel was born in the town of Sighet, Transylvania and was only a teenager when he and his family were taken from their home he called the “ghetto”. Although they all had been worn by Moishe the Beadle, about his terrible story in which no one believed him and though he was a mad man. Nevertheless the Germen army arrived shortly, and all Jews where obligated to wait outside until there train was to come for them and take them. Once in the train arrived and it was there; soon it was Elie Wiesel and his family turn to get, on lying down was not an option or even siting down. The air was little and there was little food and thirst became a big problem as so did the heat. Then the train stop in Kaschau in Czechoslovakia and a German officer stepped in and told all the Jews in the train that they were know under the German army authority and to give them all there gold and silver. The Jews where treated like dogs and threaten to get shot if anyone went missing. After that the train continued to its destination, with in the train there was a woman named Mrs. Schachter a woman in here fifties started to cry out “Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire!” she did this many times and the Jews got tired of it after a while so the beat her, so she would stop crying. Once they arrived to their final destination Auschwitz she scram fire for the last time, but this time there was fire and shortly everyone had to get off the train the air smelled like burning flesh. After getting off Elie Wiesel was separated from his mother and sisters with he never saw again but stayed with his father. After separated Elie Wiesel saw as children and old where being burned and hoped it was all just a dream. Elie Wiesel was close to being thrown in the fire pit, but instead him and his father where forced to run to the showers and then to Block 17 where…
History itself is the study of past events that have occurred throughout the world. The importance of it is to supply people with factual details of the events. Therefore answering questions like Why a certain event happened? , Who took part in the event?,What was the result of the event? , and many more.…
The novel “Night” shows that there is great inhumanity and cruelty displayed from this personal journey of Elie Wiesel. The Nazi are the ringleaders behind it all gradually making the Jews feel like nothing and only pawns for work. The Germans strip the Jews to nothing and take away everything close to them, separation from loved ones, isolation, transportation and the ruthless, cold actions towards them in the camps such as starvation, selections of the fittest and the struggle of survival becomes essential for their own self. However there are humane acts within the book which help Elie overcome some struggles and survive the brutality of the camps and war.…