Bringing up Dunn’s other message in the book communication, or to be more precise the lack of communication. In this book, the letters start of lengthy and full of life and as the book goes on and the communications decreases the letter are shorted and people become unhappy. Dunn’s use of letters as a form of writing this book show effectively what the lack of communication does to people. In a way this is what technology does as well it shortens our communication with people which can lead to loneliness and avoidance of actual human interaction. In the book when the tiles were falling and letters were being discarded this communication gap began in a way representing technology being our gap. As Ella wrote, “You were right about the fallout from this absurd law. Not only does it cripple communication between islanders, it builds rock walls between hearts.” (Dunn 22) In the book not only did the letter get shorter the lack of communication prohibited by their absurd laws made the people unpleasant. They were lonely and made many people rather leave than live like this. Communication is very important whether it be with a handwritten letter like the Nollop citizens our simply talking can really brighten ones day. However, we do not really see it for we have communication once it's gone what would be of us. Yet the book the book is a great example of when this communication is lost one becomes separated alone and unhappy. Such as Ms. Townsgate who felt lonely without her family and did not communicate much with other eventually died. If we do not bother to communicate with others and are stuck in something like technology and taking away from being with other what would be of us. Communication is important and we shouldn’t lose it by being lost in
Bringing up Dunn’s other message in the book communication, or to be more precise the lack of communication. In this book, the letters start of lengthy and full of life and as the book goes on and the communications decreases the letter are shorted and people become unhappy. Dunn’s use of letters as a form of writing this book show effectively what the lack of communication does to people. In a way this is what technology does as well it shortens our communication with people which can lead to loneliness and avoidance of actual human interaction. In the book when the tiles were falling and letters were being discarded this communication gap began in a way representing technology being our gap. As Ella wrote, “You were right about the fallout from this absurd law. Not only does it cripple communication between islanders, it builds rock walls between hearts.” (Dunn 22) In the book not only did the letter get shorter the lack of communication prohibited by their absurd laws made the people unpleasant. They were lonely and made many people rather leave than live like this. Communication is very important whether it be with a handwritten letter like the Nollop citizens our simply talking can really brighten ones day. However, we do not really see it for we have communication once it's gone what would be of us. Yet the book the book is a great example of when this communication is lost one becomes separated alone and unhappy. Such as Ms. Townsgate who felt lonely without her family and did not communicate much with other eventually died. If we do not bother to communicate with others and are stuck in something like technology and taking away from being with other what would be of us. Communication is important and we shouldn’t lose it by being lost in