Ellicott Bible Commentary
Ellicott’s Bible commentary tries to pinpoint in what village Jesus visited. Ellicott points out that one of the lepers was a Samaritan. Since one was a Samaritan it is probable that the village this story took place in was on the border-land of the two provinces. Ellicott finds it significant that Jesus did not take any of the usual roads. The usual roads most commonly passed though Samaria, and the other through Peraea. Instead He chose a path for Himself to the village where all those that were shut out from other fellowship were herded together. A majority of the people herded to this village were probably lepers. In these times lepers were shunned from the rest of the world because the disease was incurable …show more content…
I have never used a commentary before therefor I didn’t really know what they were like and how resourceful they were. I enjoyed hearing qualified experts give their opinion on the story. There insight caused me to view the story in a whole new way and from a different perspective. Since I research three commentaries I was able to see three different perspectives of the story of the ten lepers. I also enjoyed getting the insight of Ellen White as well. She is very well known on having an abundance of knowledge about the Bible and having a strong relationship with God. Her words were something for me to contemplate about. This assignment has opened my eyes to the significant of commentaries. In my own devotions I often get frustrated and even bored when I do not understand a passage of scripture. However, now that I know about these resources I will be able to go into more depth into the stories of the Bible and find meaning to them from what other individuals have gotten form