Create a lesson plan outline that describes the delivery of the activities in a classroom for each ELL proficiency level (beginning, intermediate, advanced) and how the activities/standards will be assessed. Include the standard and the Arizona Academic Standard that is being addressed. If your state is a member of WIDA, include the WIDA standard addressed by the lesson.…
One of the drawbacks in the lesson was not enough hands-on interaction between the students. It was mainly teacher to student. For an ELL this may be confusing if she is not checking in with the ELL student, making sure they are understanding the material. She did not once go around the tables and check for understanding with any of the student except for asking question that were needed to be answered.…
There are many different tactics that an instructor can use in ELL classrooms. As always, teachers are called upon to continually modify their curriculum and teaching in order to meet the needs of each individual learner. Teachers often take part in some ways and means of opinion. Persistent pointer can be in the form of charts, or lists that the teacher, or each student creates as they continue learning about a subject. This can display vocabulary words that they have learned, concepts they have mastered, or subjects that they have studied. The teacher can talk about these lists over…
Teachers and students can learn from each other through basic conversations. Teachers should keep ELL students actively engaged and have fun at the same time. In addition, expose them to different topics, people, places, that would capture their interest. Create a language rich environment and allow students to speak in their native language. Based from one of the…
This module has helped me to understand that you cannot approach all ELL students the same due to their culture background and characteristics. I learned that there were many strategies that I already used within my classroom, such as using visuals and videos. Also, I realized that the same strategies that used with my ELL students could be used with my struggling learners within my classroom. To improve the quality of the artifact, with the proper quantity of ELL students, I would have worked with a younger student who was least proficient with the English language. It would have given me another perspective with trying more of the strategies that were offered within the module…
One of the U.S. educational challenges of today is meeting the educational needs of the English language learners. This growing diverse population of English learners has to simultaneously learn to build their English language proficiency and the content area within their grade level standard. This makes it a double challenge for them and their teachers. After observing a lesson based on a video simulation of a classroom, I will discuss five components: comprehensible input, ongoing specific and immediate feedback, grouping structures and techniques, building background and vocabulary development and student engagement that were integrated into the lesson. I will then discuss what methods and techniques should be utilized when teaching English learners. I will close by sharing my thought about what I liked and felt could have been done difference. The delivery of a lessons and how the language objectives are deliver is significant in choosing strategies for the ELL. First I will reflex on at comprehensible input.…
One of the benefits of ELL supports in our schools is the opportunity they offer by helping these students to get immersed in the North American culture and learn to navigate such by themselves through differentiated instruction. We have to take into consideration that some of these students do not understand (much less interpret!) what is going on around them. ELL school supports are extremely necessary as they may be the only ones from mainstream education trying to instruct these students the proper way, academically and personally. Another benefit and I have experienced with this first-hand, is that ELL supports not only help these students learn this new culture but also their families with the acculturation process. ELL supports ensure…
Start by Creating / facilitating opportunities for learning, preparing plan lessons, make sure you have the required materials, assess not only the learners but yourself.…
There are many ways I help promote communication and language development of my class. I ask them open ended questions, and encourage them to use their words like “are you thirsty”, “what is wrong” and “how would you play with that?” . We also read a lot of stories and then I encourage them to retell it for me. I let them use a flannel board to retell the story in their words. We write stories together, and then let them draw the pictures. In my classroom we use pictures and words to label the shelves and toys. This helps them know that…
References: Cantoni, G. (1999). Using TPR-Storytelling to Develop Fluency and Literacy in Native American Languages. Retrieved from…
Students that are considered to be ELL students have specific tests and procedures that must be followed by schools and teachers in order to properly assess each student proficiency level in English language. After interviewing the ELL coordinator for our school, assessing the ELL student gives both the home and school environment the information needed to develop a plan to to educate each ELL student in the 21st Century. In this essay, it will examine what test are used and who conducts the test,the methods and procedures used for ongoing classroom assessment of the students,how oral language is assessed,how standardized testing and how and when the exit testing is completed for the school district.…
This semester I observed a first grade bilingual classroom at Martin Elementary. The classroom contained three ELL’s at a variety of levels. The instructor, Mrs. Guerrero, used lots of sheltered instruction strategies not only during the set time for bilingual instruction, but throughout the rest of the content areas. Throughout the semester, I saw how Mrs. Guerrero used specific strategies to teach vocabulary to her LEP students. The first thing I noticed was how she had seated them near native English speakers. This was so they would be able to interact with native English speakers, listen to how they pronounce and use words, and also so they could help him out when he needed it. Mrs. Guerrero used a variety of materials for vocabulary instruction.…
The main campus of Olivet Nazarene University is in Bourbonnais, IL, approximately 55 miles South of Chicago. The school of graduate and continuing studies consists of faculty, who live in the Bourbonnais area, and adjunct instructors who can live anywhere in the United States. All of the faculty subscribe to a statement of faith which binds them together as they strive to provide education with a Christian purpose. There are many faculty development initiatives for instructors. Webinars, faculty development days, and frequent communication across departments help to provide a cohesive, strong sense of culture among both local faculty and adjunct faculty though they are spread across the country.…
What is a good technique to decrease Teacher Talk Time (TTT) and increase Student Talk Time (STT)?…
Focus on method: Despite all these barriers, the need for instruction in other languages has led to a variety of educational approaches and methods aimed at fostering l2 learning.…