The rose represents the romance Emily wanted to experience but never got to because of her father sheltering her and Homer Barron leaving her. The townspeople describe how she must have been sheltered by saying, “She wouldn’t have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized” (Faulkner 77). When Homer tries to run away from her after she thinks she has finally found the love she has been looking for, she kills him and preserves his body and clothes in her room just as a rose can be preserved to represent her love forever. The speakers describe what Emily has kept by saying, “Upon a chair hung the suit, carefully folded; beneath it the two mute shoes and the discarded socks. The man himself lay in the bed” (Faulkner 81). The rose is used to symbolized how love can be preserved even in the most extreme …show more content…
The house shows how beauty and greatness doesn’t last forever, while the rose represents how love can be preserved no matter what the case may be. The arsenic is symbolic of Emily getting rid of the pest in her life by using poison designed to kill rats. Emily’s graying hair was used by the townspeople to tell how much time was passing by, and Emily herself was used to symbolize tradition in the South. Faulkner uses all of these symbols throughout the story in order to convey a sense of emotion and give the story an unseen