Emotional Eating
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1. Introduction
a. What is emotional eating? “Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better-eating to fill emotional needs, rather than eating to fill your stomach” (2013, Smith and Segal).
b. Recognizing what triggers your eating can help change your eating habits (2013, Smith and Segal).
c. Emotional eating is a problem many people face.
2. Paragraph One
a. What are your emotional triggers?
b. What is the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger
c. Identify other ways to deal with stress and other emotions.
3. Paragraph Two
a. Emotional eating has many health risks.
b. Emotional eating can impact healthy eating and weight loss.
c. There are many ways a person can stay on track with their health and weight loss goals.
4. Paragraph Three
a. Emotional eating can lead to eating disorders.
b. Emotional eating is a habit that prevents people from developing healthy coping mechanisms to deal with other issues.
c. Can emotional eating be stopped of just managed?
5. Conclusion
a. Emotional eating is a problem that we all have had to deal with knowledge and acknowledgement it doesn’t have to be a problem or control your life.
Food is a great way to celebrate a special occasion or an excellent way to get together with friends but attaching these happy emotions to food can be dangerous. You have essentially trained your mind and body that it can only be happy when food is involved, much like an alcoholic. (2013, Goad) It is this mindset that lead to overeating or binge eating. (2013, Goad). Your mood can determine your food choices. For example when you're happy you might crave pizza or when you're feeling sad or depressed