Jane Does, a 27 year old sedentary Hispanic female, who was approached by us to participate in our program. goal was of losing weight. The initial ACSM risk stratification diagnosis indicated a body composition of 27% body fat at 137 lbs with a height of 5’6. The family medical history indicated a history of heart disease on the paternal and maternal side of the family. According to ACSM risk stratification guidelines she does not need a referral from a physician for exercise clearance. Measures regarding examining body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength/endurance, and flexibility were taken. Based upon the results a moderate intensity (60%-70% HRR/VO2R) a Cardiorespiratory and Resistance training program was designed for Jane Doe. A negative caloric balance program was established based upon her current RMR and newly designed exercise prescription. Muscle strength and endurance programs were designed to increase metabolic activity and rate mas well to increase fat free mass. It is hypothesized that Jane Doe will lose approximately 1.5 pounds per week for 11 weeks to reach target weight and to minimize total body fat percentage to < 20%.…
Compare/Contrast BMI & Individual Plan: There are three sections to this part of the assignment, and for the first part, you need to designate where your BMI falls according to the standard tables (underweight, normal, overweight, obese). In the second part of the assignment, you need to develop a dietary plan for your BMI value, and for the most part, you need to be as detailed as possible. Basically, I would like to see a "day in your life" according to where your current BMI falls. You need to include how many calories you plan on taking in and why, and you also need to develop a day's worth of eating with specific foods and portions. As far as the exercise plan, again, you need to be as specific as possible. The goal of this section is to develop a plan that incorporates all of the components of a sound fitness program (flexibility, endurance, strength training, body fat, and cardiovascular), as well as discuss specific exercises that you plan on doing. Basically, the goal is to produce a weekly plan, with specific exercises, that has all of the components of a sound fitness…
The purpose of this hypothetical case study is to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of treating a client (Miss E) who has a desire to lose weight. I shall identify and explain Miss E’s issues, then, compile an outline plan of therapy in order to support her.…
Throughout this paper you will find that it is going to be discussing many things. Some of those things are to describe a current health problem or nutritional need that I may be experiencing, four nutritional or physical exercise goals, the actions taken to meet each goal, the anticipated setbacks or difficulties and the approaches to overcome them, the outcomes by which to measure success, evidence of the plans effectiveness by addressing the identified problem or need, and the evaluation of potential health risks that may develop if the plan is not implemented. So basically this paper is going to be about a realistic nutrition and exercise plan that best suits me.…
First and foremost a little introspection is required, what about my current lifestyle and eating habits are detrimental to my health. Since this course has started I have already begun to address my nutritional habits, I have cut back on red meats and eat more fish and chicken. I still enjoy a large variety of fresh seasonal vegetables; I do not eat canned vegetables. I need to drink more milk, although I do meet some of my dairy needs from cheese products. I try and balance the rest of my diet with recommended amounts of whole grains and fruits. I have completely removed hot dogs from my diet; it was a source of sodium and high in cholesterol which I have enough medical issues with.…
various forms, from pure cane sugar to high fructose corn syrup and ingredients that we are…
Today’s society has been faced with the never ending problem of obesity. Many would blame this problem of obesity in America to poor genetics, unhealthy eating habits, and even lack of physical fitness. After viewing this paper and reviewing these credible sources the reader will have a better understanding as to why individuals become obese. All sources in this paper have been written, reviewed, and critiqued by credible individuals.…
Throughout the course of the last nine weeks, my eyes have been opened to an entirely new world full of nutritional and exercising information. It is rough being a thirty-three year old husband and father, with an eye on trying to remain on this planet for as long as humanly possible. As parents, we all have goals we want to achieve. The usual suspects include seeing your children graduate high school and then college, walking your daughter down the aisle of her wedding, and being able to retire and continue to live a healthy and happy life. What I have come to realize through this nutritional and exercising information is that in order to accomplish this goal, there are certain aspects of my life that I need to change. I am not a particularly healthy eater. I do not exercise regularly. I mostly do what I can with the time I have available. I suspect this problem plagues many men across this country and around the world. In my state, the obesity rate is close to 30% and it continues to trend upward (Centers for Disease Control, 2011). Without a drastic change in lifestyle, I am simply adding to the statistics. The knowledge I have gained in this course has led me to believe that this is simply unacceptable. Something has to change, and I have a plan to make that happen.…
Obesity is known to be one of the most public health disorder concerned globally. Some of the factors that impact obesity socially is greater exposure to fast-food advertisements, limited access to physical activity opportunities, and poor individual choices/ lifestyle choices. Furthermore according to the article, sociodemographic (age, race, ethnicity, and language) plays a huge role in obesity. For instance, low-income families are likely to face more challenges and become obese due to not being able to eat healthy. These factors of social impact and individual choices also impact biological reasons. For example, due to an individual’s choice of living and…
One Health Behavior Theory is the Transtheoretical Model, which is marked by the stages pre-contemplation, contemplation, decision, active change, and maintenance. During the pre-contemplation stage, the focus is on what behaviors were before change is even considered. For me this stage included a mostly sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. The contemplation stage is where I started thinking about making a change. During this time, I was looking at my overall health and realized physical wellness was an area I lacked discipline. The next stage, decision, came when I thought that making exercise an “assignment” would help to motivate me to get moving. I also knew that I needed to get in better shape for the camp I am working at…
During this project I decided to use my analytical skills to research on this subject before diving in unprepared. I researched what exercises I could do daily, and what foods I could eat to be healthy and as well as how to stay motivated throughout this journey. I was truly and honestly determined to begin and achieve this goal. There were many target behaviors I was determined on changing such as my phone use and procrastination. These two were the leading factors that lead to me failing and giving up the other times I attempted at improving my health and fitness management. I knew I had to cut down on my phone use and start facing things instead of pushing it off. To do this, I decided to create a schedule for my day, labeling when to do things and leaving small breaks in between for phone use during snack time. Limiting phone use and procrastination not only helped me with my goal, but also with other components of my life such as homework…
The target of this intervention is to cut back on fatty foods and decrease weight by exercising on a daily basis in doing so by playing basketball, consuming under 2000 calories daily and increasing the amount of green tea ingested. The benefits of performing this lifestyle change are having to be active in which the body creates endorphins, speeding metabolism and boosting up one's confidence. Many things can go wrong in this experiment. One thing to take into consideration is the influence of family and friends. They can have a positive and negative influence towards this intervention. Positive because friends and family can motivate you and help you strive with intervention. Negative, however, because some family members can cook delicious/unhealthy foods, or some friends can persuade you into eating unhealthy junk foods. I will accurately measure this by recording the calories I intake daily , and using a pedometer to see how many steps I take daily, which then converts into the calories I have burnt. The outcomes I expect is to lose at most ten pounds, get better at the sport basketball, and I…
Childhood obesity has become a growing problem in the Unites States for the past few decades, which is the condition of having excess body fat. In the United States, the rate of childhood obesity has tripled since the 1970’s. Today, we can expect about one in five children ages 6-19 to be obese. Childhood obesity can lead to many negative long-term impacts on a person’s physical and emotional health and increases the risk for asthma, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, lower self esteem, and various different types of cancer.…
My objectives for taking this jazz class are to be able to be more flexible, and to be able to live a healthier life style by exercising regularly and changing my eating habits. I choose these 3 objectives because these are all able to be maintained once this class is over. Through the course of this class I plan to work on all 3 objectives habitually. I plan to set aside time in my schedule at least 4 times a week to dedicate to my objectives. I desire to have exercising a lifestyle instead of a chore and I realize the only way to achieve this is through habit. I plan to explore different kinds of exercising yoga, weigh training, dance warm ups, dance routines, running, walking, etc., my goal is to try all these things until I find out what works best for me. Just as learning styles there are fitness styles as well and everybody bodies adapt differently to certain thing and I hope to find out what my body accepts the most. With that I plan to change my eating habits, I have already accessed the problem which is I don’t eat regularly I eat like once a day and it usually a bag of chips and a bottle of fruit juice. I realize that by doing this I am depriving my body of nutrients that it needs for its everyday function of life. My body needs the protein, calcium, vitamin d, etc and I am not giving it to them and when I do it is diluted with unhealthy sugars and carbs. By the end of the semester with the lifestyle changes of course I want to at least lose 10 lbs. My last go is become flexible, it’s not as necessary I don’t need it to have a better life by it would be nice to be flexible as I once was if I want to get serious about dancing…
Health and fitness project My fitness goal was to lose inches and get more in shape. I choose this goal because I was tired of being out of shape and gaining weight. Also because I want to join the air force after to high school, which involves a lot of training. So my main goal is to be more fit by eating healthier and exercising daily. I want to be able to challenge myself and feel good about my body. My steps before starting were I said I would drink green tea ever morning. Then I would eat three small healthy meals and snacks but every 2 hours. And then exercise and drink a protein shake after. So I started going to a fitness place called explossive fitness. At explosive fitness they have trainers that help motivate you and help you reach your goals. And I go Monday through Friday right after school. The first week was challenging because I couldn’t do most of the activities, for example I couldn’t jump rope or do sit-ups. And I felt out of shape because I really sore but it made me feel good because I knew the workouts were working. Also a lady that works at explosive fitness measured my whole body and explained to me about my health. And I told her my goals, which is to get more in shape, lose inches and weight until I graduate from high school. She would also tell me what meals I should eat daily and basically told me what I could and could not eat. She would help motivate me because I didn’t drink enough water. There is also two other trainers there that would tell me and the other group of people that attend there what exercises to do. We had a different workout everyday for an hour. The workouts were very challenging and every day and each day I would challenge myself by lifting more weights. I logged what I ate and what exercises I did. My trainers would tell me to log my food every week also and show them what I’ve been eating. They would tell me to eat more protein, so I started eating more meats and I would also…