Does the biological aspect affect the Emotional Intelligence?
There are various schools of thought concerning the biological aspect and the
Emotional Intelligence (EI). Some researchers have found no evidence, others have found no significant evidence, and others have found evidence that the biological aspects in a human being do affect the EI. For the purpose of this research, the focus will be on the evidence found, that the biological aspect affects the EI.
To be on the same frame of thought, the definitions of biology and EI will be
presented. These are as follows:
Biology is the physical organism
Emotional Intelligence is the psychological part where part of the
biological organism (brain) interacts with the rest of the body and there is the ability to understand yourself and others (Goleman, 1995; Cherniss & Adler, 2000; Cognitive and
Emotional Health: The Healthy Brain Workshop, 2001). Given these definitions then it may be extrapolated that the brain is the organism that within the body signals to the senses: smell, touch, sight, audio, taste, and perception (known as the sixth sense).
Literature Review
It would be superfluous to mention that the Intellectual Quotient (IQ) is an
instrument to measure the individual’s ability to learn and to identify the individual’s degree of intelligence. In the mid sixties, the first term of EI appeared in a German publication, written by Leuner, where he discussed women who rejected their social roles by being separated by their mothers at an early age (Clark, 2004). Clark also reports on Payne in 1986 writing about EI in his doctoral dissertation in English. Payne
© 2009 advocated that EI should be introduced in the schools by “liberating emotional experience through therapy. Winkowski (2003) contends that education should not focus on the academic
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