In order to effectively manage a workplace successfully it is evident that an understanding of emotional intelligence (EI) is beneficial however its necessity and definition as an ‘intelligence’ is questionable. An understanding of emotions as well as empathizing with another and successfully manage the moods & emotions of others may be considered a skill rather then an intelligence. This skill, if possessed by a manager, may have the ability to positively influence others in the workplace promoting motivation and enthusiasm. However there are inconsistencies when discussing emotional intelligence which may impede the necessity for emotional intelligence in relation to workplace success.
Emotional ‘intelligence’ is described as the ability to perceive, access and generate emotions to assist thought and to regulate them to promote emotional and structural growth (Mayer & Salovey, 1997:5). A managers ability to be able to influence a positive environment in the workplace allows for greater success. Positivity within the workplace then also allows for the development of strong relationships, co-operation and trust between team members & leaders in a workplace. This trusting relationship between manager and worker contributes to the successful implementation of changes within a workplace. George (2000 p 1040) identifies the link between positive moods and creativity which assists an organizations functioning by improving approaches to flexibly, overcoming problems & consider alternative scenarios. This along with decision making, is another vital part of maintaining a workplace, the management of emotions may be used in order to achieve beneficial outcomes. The ability for a manager to regulate positive emotions within a workplace results in advancements for the organsiation as well as the quick resolving of conflict and recovery. Being able to facilitate resolving
References: Ashkanasy, N.M. & Daus, C.S., 2002. Emotion in the workplace: The new challenge for managers. The Academy of Management Executive, 16(1), pp.76–86. George, J.M., 2000. Emotions and Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence. Human Relations, 53(8), pp.1027–1055. Locke, E.A., 2005. Why emotional intelligence is an invalid concept. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26(4), pp.425–431 John, Antnakis, 2004 Organisational Analysis On why ‘Emotional Intelligence’ will not predict leadership effectiveness beyond IQ or the ‘big five’ University of Lausanne, 12(4) pp 171-182 Salovey P., Mayer, John D. 1989-90 Emotional Intelligence: Imagination, Cognition and Personality 9(3) Yale University, pp 185-211