In today’s world of uncertainty where economy is in turmoil, companies need to make necessary adjustments to their business models and quickly needs to realign their strategies considering the pace of technological, competitive, and social changes. To make this realignment happen rapidly it is very important that employees are engaged on all levels so that the employees are energized to move the organization in new and better direction. Authors argue that it is the responsibility of the top management to energize the system. This energy needs to be focused. The focused energy could drive the continuous improvement within the organization and work towards achieving the common goal and vision of the company. A survey conducted by Gallup, Inc. reports that a world class organization has higher percentage of engaged workforce as compared to the average performing companies. The percentage stands at 67% for a world-class company against 33% for an average performing company. These numbers show how instrumental employee engagement is for the success of an organization. The employees who are either “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” coast along and pick their pay checks resulting in sucking all the energy of everyone around them.
Authors argue that the engagement and alignment are two different things. They claim that 40 percent of the “engaged” employees do not align their behavior with the organizational goal. A huge lost opportunity is lost if managers fail to connect people to the vision and the strategies of the organization. Authors suggest the top management few ways for achieving greater employee engagement. They suggest that the leaders should listen to the employees carefully, they should create a common purpose